Shih-Yuan Chen

I am currently a postdoc working with Professor Michelle Driscoll at Northwestern University.  My research focuses on Soft Matter, including external driven particles colloidal suspension, and gels. 


Structure modification

Using magnetic fields, we drive a magnetic particle in a passive colloidal suspension. The magnetic particle propels and redistributes passive particles to form a new structure. Thus, we can manipulate the microstructure in situ, and study how the material properties are altered. For example:

Drop mtion by magnetic magnetic fields

By adding ferromagnetic particles in a water-based solution, known as ferrofluid, we can deform and even drive the drop to desired location using magnetic fields. We are aiming to answer these questions in this system:

Liquid marble interaction

We create a ferrofluid marble by wrapping a ferrofluid drop with hydrophobic powder. The shell allows a ferrofluid drop to deform, jump, and collide with other ferrofluid drops while mentaining its integrity. Using this technique, we will investigate:

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