Ho Shen-Shyang

[7 September 2022] Research Proposal "New Approaches for Dynamic Graph Anomaly Detection, Prediction, and Explanation" funded by NSF.

[9 August 2018] Research Proposal "ATD: New Approaches for Analyzing Spatiotemporal Data for Anomalies" funded by NSF.

[23 December 2017]: Time Series Anomaly Detection in Azure Machine Learning Studio  using our change detection approach.

[29 August 2017]: Chen, Victor C., Fayin Li, S-S. Ho, and Harry Wechsler. "Micro-Doppler effect in radar: phenomenon, model, and simulation study." IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and electronic systems 42, no. 1 (2006) is listed by Google Scholar as one of the classic papers, i.e., "a collection of highly-cited papers in their area of research that have stood the test of time."  

[August 15 2016]: I will join Rowan University, NJ, USA on 1 September 2016.

[August 10 2016]:  My last day at Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) was 25 July 2016. I moved back to USA on 27 July 2016.

Last Updated: February 18 2024.