Welcome to homepage of Shengzhen Ning
I'm a PhD student in the Department of Mathematics at University of Minnesota under the supervision of Professor Tian-Jun Li. My research interest lies in symplectic topology and its interactions with complex geometry and low dimensional topology. Here is my CV.
Publications and preprints:
Symplectic log Kodaira dimension −∞ , affine-ruledness and unicuspidal rational curves (2025) with Tian-Jun Li, arxiv:2501.14668
Comparing Kahler cone and symplectic cone of one-point blowup of Enriques surface (2024) arxiv:2407.10217, submitted
Almost complex geometry of symplectic log Calabi-Yau pairs with applications to almost toric fibrations (2024) with Jie Min, submitted, preprint
Algebraic capacities as tropical polynomials over the reduced c1-positive symplectic cone (2023) with Tian-Jun Li, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, arxiv:2303.12607,
Almost toric presentations of symplectic log Calabi-Yau pairs (2023) with Tian-Jun Li and Jie Min, arxiv:2303.09964, submitted
Enumerative aspect of symplectic log Calabi-Yau divisors and almost toric fibrations (2022) with Tian-Jun Li and Jie Min, arxiv:2203.08544, accepted for publication in Israel Journal of Mathematics
Email: ning0040@umn.edu
Name in Chinese characters: 宁盛臻