Shengyuan Huang's website

Shengyuan Huang 黄晟远

I am a postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Birmingham. My postdoc advisor is Tyler Kelly. I received my PhD in mathematics at the Department of Mathematics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, under the guidance of Andrei Caldararu.        

My main areas of interest are (derived) algebraic geometry and homological mirror symmetry.


School of Mathematics

University of Birmingham

Birmingham, B15 2TT

 Curriculum vitae:  CV

Papers and Preprints

    1. Functoriality of HKR isomorphisms,

    (accepted by)  Algebraic Geometry

    2. A note on a question of Markman,

    J. Pure Appl. Algebra 225 (2021), no.9, 106673

    3. The cup product in orbifold Hochschild cohomology,

    (with Andrei Caldararu), arXiv:2101.06276

    4. Moonshine at Landau-Ginzburg points,

    (with Andrei Caldararu and Yunfan He), (accepted by) Proc. Am. Math. Soc.

    5. The orbifold Hochschild product for Fermat hypersurface,

     (with Kai Xu), Adv. Math. 429 (2023), 109186

    6. When are two HKR isomorphisms equal?,

    Adv. Math. 431 (2023), 109246

Past events:

Geometry of Gauged Linear Sigma Models - June 21-24, 2022

Tyler, Kelly, Ed Segal, and I co-organised a conference on the Geometry of Gauged Linear Sigma Models at the University of Birmingham.