Shengwei (Arthur) Zhou  周晟炜

Room N21-5006c

State Key Laboratory in the Internet of Things for Smart City (IOTSC)

University of Macau

Taipa, Macau SAR



I'm currently a third-year Ph.D. student under the supervision of Prof. Xiaowei Wu in the State Key Laboratory in the Internet of Things for Smart City (IOTSC) at the University of Macau. Prior to my Ph.D. program, I worked as a Research Assistant in IOTSC, also under Prof. Wu’s guidance. My academic background includes an degree from CUSP London at King's College London, where I finished my Master's dissertation under the supervision of Dr. Angus Roberts, and a B.Eng. degree in Urban-rural Planning from Wuhan University. With a diverse background in STEM, design, and social science, I bring a unique perspective to my research. 

Research Interests

I am broadly interested in algorithmic game theory, theoretical computer science, and urban informatics. Currently, my research interests span various topics in fair allocation problems, online bipartite matching, and game theory.


Selected Publications (DBLP)

(* Asterisks denote alphabetical order of authors (why?).)

Shengwei Zhou, Xiaowei Wu

Artificial Intelligence (AIJ), Accepted 2024. A preliminary version appeared in IJCAI 2022.

* Jointed work with Xiaowei Wu and Cong Zhang. In WINE 2023.

* Jointed work with Xiaowei Wu and Cong Zhang. In EC 2023.

Shengwei Zhou, Rufan Bai, Xiaowei Wu. In ICML 2023.

Academic Experience

04.2021-07.2021, Research Assistant.

Before I took myself into computer science, I also had a strong interest in urban social research and urban design, and some outstanding design and research projects are displayed on the Urban Design Projects page.