Sheffield Shoebox Appeal 2021

All drop off points now closed

Christmas can be a very joyous time of year, but if you are vunerable, living in a hostel, or on the streets, or have escaped abuse and are in a refuge, it can be very lonely as well. We work closely with our charities and service providers to provide a bit of Christmas cheer for men and women in hostels, temporary accommodation and refuges, and the socially isolated elderly. Most of them have access to basic items like toothbrushes/paste, ordinary toiletries and food, but don't have those little luxuries we all appreciate! For many of them this will be the only Christmas present they get, so we want to make sure our boxes are full of treats and luxury items.

Those people that are living on the street will receive a present through our outreach charities, and we will make them up so that they can be tailored to their needs.

We need your help with made up shoeboxes for men and women and the elderly, and loose items to help us enrich boxes where needed, and also to make up any we are short of. The list of charities we supported in 2020 is here.

We have an Amazon wishlist for those who would rather send us items directly, and drop off points where you can take boxes and loose items to.

Thank you so much.

Chris, Lesley, Karl, Jill, Mark, Harry

The Shoebox Team xxxx

What to put in boxes

What not to include

Tins of food, or any food that needs cooking

Food that will be out of date before Christmas

Large bars of soap


Any open or used toiletries and large bottles of toiletries

Hand sanitiser


Knives, or tools that contain knives

Sanitary products

Children's toys or Childrens/adult clothes


Religious materials

How to pack boxes

Wrap the box or paint so that the lid can be opened– all boxes have to be opened and checked

Include a Christmas card and a message

Label male or female or elderly male/female

Include a mix of things in each box – clothes/Christmas food/toiletries/treats

Fill the box as much as you can, and include luxury items, as well as practical ones.

Remember to remove price tags