Jokes  There's a joke about the New York cabdriver who went speeding through every red light. "My five brothers and I have always driven like this." Come to a green light? Slam on the brakes, because one of his brothers might be coming through.... Another joke involves The Pope, a popular televangelist, and a cabbie headed to the Gates of Heaven, only to find a long line. St. Peter asks the Pope and preacher to wait while the cabbie is allowed to jump the queue. When the two clergymen protest, St. Peter points out that folks slept through their sermons, but passengers in his cab were praying through the entire trip. This joke was often retold in Israel in The '80s with the crazy cabbie replaced by the driver of a Jerusalem-Tel Aviv bus, for rather different reasons. Another joke with the Pope involves His Holiness asking the Popemobile's driver to let him try the car. The Pope proceeds to break as many traffic laws as he can. A cop pulls them over... and then calls the HQ: "We have an important lawbreaker here. I don't know who he is, but his driver is the Pope!" Ronald Reagan was apparently fond of a similar joke that switched the Pope with Mikhail Gorbachev. Gorbachev liked it. It's said that in America, they drive on the right side of the road; in England, they drive on the left; and in Naples, they drive on the shady side of the road. Also been said of many countries' drivers that the traffic code is as follows: "As long as you don't crash into anything, and as long as the Law doesn't see it, it's A-OK". So one nun says to the other nun, "You drive, I'll pray." The other nun replies, "What's the matter, you don't trust my praying?" In Philadelphia, when you see a yellow light, you can slow down and stop if you want to, but the guy behind you isn't expecting you to. Then there's the one about the guy who gets a call from his wife on his way home from work, warning him that she heard in the traffic report about some crazy guy who's driving on the wrong side of the road. His reply: "It's not just one guy. Everyone on this highway is driving on the wrong side!" New legislation is passed in the United Kingdom in order to bring it up to speed with the rest of the world, including driving on the right. In order to facilitate the transition, it is decided that the new rules of the road will at first apply only to trucks and buses. There's a standing joke in Japan about American military personnel driving cars (often told by American military personnel). Due to various difference in road laws, but most importantly, the right-left side of the road thing. Also expect American drivers to accidentally try to signal a turn by turning on their windshield wipers. Two young Scots are visiting America and speeding along the road when they are stopped by a police officer. The officer says to the driver, "You were going 70 miles per hour. The speed limit is 45 miles per hour. I have to give you a ticket." "But the sign says I can go that fast," says the driver, pointing to a nearby road sign. "That says Route 70," says the officer, exasperated, "That's not the speed limit, it's the road number." Then he notices that the guy in the passenger seat looks like he is going to throw up. He asks the driver, "What's wrong with your friend there?" The driver responds, "Oh, we just got off Route 130!" There's a joke that there are no "high speed chases" in Houston. Everyone drives like that. A popular joke is that Houston comes with two built in racing tracks, Interstate 610 and Beltway 8, with a third (Highway 99) under construction. There's a joke in the Philippines that goes: Westerners say Filipino drivers don't know how to drive on the road. Filipinos say those Western drivers don't know how to survive on Philippine roads. Two people are driving at high speed on a twisty mountain road.Passenger: Can't you slow down? I damn near get a heart attack every time you take a curve! 

Driver: Just close your eyes when we go around the bend. (Beat) It's how I manage. A priest dies and goes to Heaven. After spending some time there, he notices that a taxi driver is being treated with much more respect than he is, so he goes before God to ask why.Priest: Lord, why is that man being treated so much better than me? I dedicated my life to teaching others about you, but all he did for a living was drive a taxi. 

God: When people came to your church, were they always alert and paying attention to you? 

Priest: No. In fact, sometimes they fell asleep during my sermons. 

God: Well, that man was a taxi driver in New York City. And not only were the people he drove very wide awake, but they were usually praying.

Roleplay  Shadowhunter Peril has Veronica Carter, who drives like a total maniac...and her vehicle of choice is a TANK. She enjoys blowing stuff up with it as well as driving, although it did come in handy during the Assault on Alicante arc, where she distracted a horde of demons, by shooting tank shells at them. Still, Ethan is scared of driving with her, and Umbra manages to find an excuse not to go with her.

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Visual Novels  Desiree DeLite in Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations likes to drive her motorcycle at speeds more appropriate for Formula 1. If you accuse her of being the criminal Mask DeMasque, her alibi is a speeding ticket showing she wasn't at the location of the crime when it took place. She's somehow able to cover distances in 20 minutes that a car can't make in under 30. Jumin Han from Mystic Messenger is so terrible at driving that it poses a threat to the life of everyone in the car. At one point during Jaehee's route, while he's trying to cover up the fact that he's emotionally spiraling due to the fact that it looks like Jaehee is intentionally slacking off and might even quit working for him because the player character is helping her realize that there's more to life than a job, he steals one of Seven's luxury cars and takes it for a joyride to blow off steam. The next time you talk to him in the chatroom, he casually sends a picture of the car that he took, only for everyone to see that it's flipped over in the middle of the road, windows shattered, and on fire. He refers to it as a "small accident." At least he knows that he's a godawful driver:Jumin: My father dragged me there but I came back by myself. 

Zen: Did you drive? Are you crazy? 

Jumin: No. The driver drove. That's why I'm still alive. In The Fruit of Grisaia Yumiko and Michiru are terrified of having to ride with Amane to the beach. Michiru as the buttmonkey of the group is forced into the role and arrives a twitching, incoherent mess after Amane decides she needs to have a street race with some punk. By The Eden of Grisaia she's generally forced into the car with Amane at every opportunity and for flimsy reasons, leaving her basically on the verge of tears while stuck with the "green demon." She's actually fallen out of the car twice thanks to Amane's recklessness. In Malus Code, the professor of the polar resarch lab, Suzukake, is tasked with driving her students to the onsen after receiving a large sum of money, despite certain circumstances. Before the trip, upon announcing that Suzukake will be driving, Yuri becomes very silent, and bails on the trip at the last minute, to Will and Yae's surprise and terror, as Suzukake ends up speeding and drifting all the way there. C14 Dating: If she gets driven to the airport by Deandre, Melissa will come out of the car feeling like she's just been on a roller coaster and one those towers that drop seats at high speed.

Web Animation  hololive English member Ceres Fauna's stream of Euro Truck Simulator 2 is two hours of run red lights and stop signs, weaving from lane to lane, hit-and-run collisions with other vehicles, struggling to reverse with a trailer, flipping the trailer after taking a turn too fast, forgetting to turn the lights on while driving at night, barreling through roundabouts, driving the wrong way up one-way roads, blocking highway traffic to do a U-turn, pulling over and stopping on a highway to select the next royalty-free background music track, somehow getting a utility pole wedged between the truck's cab and its trailer, and hitting an indestructible road post and making the truck physics go haywire, all culminating in a glorious vertical jackknife that leaves her truck "faceplanted" on the road and Fauna laughing so hard she has to stop playing. The Evil Guitarist from the Pimp Lando series runs over/crashes through old ladies, children, cats, skeletons, giant coffee mugs, Darboe, and, of course, Mr. Smiles. Three times. In the same episode. Red vs. Blue: A running gag is that due to the general level of (in)competence on both sides, basically no-one can drive. Especially the Warthog ("I say it looks more like a Puma") which on several occasions runs people over and even more dangerously, the tank, and Caboose's attempts to drive it in the first season actually result in Church's death (he gets better). Jensen, a member of the Chorus New Republic in Seasons 12 & 13, is a skilled mechanic, but a terrifying driver. Lopez has described her driving as "a cross between a young teen and an old lady. Who is also blind." In Season 13, she manages to somehow cause a fiery multi-car pileup despite going down a straight, simple road at five miles per hour. In RWBY Volume 8, Yang gets a hoverbike and while riding, takes the time to make a jump off a ramp and goes into a spin. Oscar, riding behind her, is not happy. RWBY Chibi: Yang is a massive thrill-seeker, prompting her to do insane things such as flee from the cops in a car chase when Ruby accidentally robs a bank. Upon discovering a roadblock, excitedly yells to her teammates that she's going to jump it, much to their horror. Ruby is an unfathomably bad driver. When she decides to learn how to drive, the episode opens with Ruby frantically weaving through the streets while nearly killing every single person on the sidewalk and almost launching her father out the window. It ends with the car totalled and set ablaze while even Yang looks on in shock. Yes & No: A Dyseducational Road Movie shows the crazy drivers have better luck than the cooperative drivers.Show me how you drive, and I'll show you what kind of idiot you are. e24fc04721

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