
Are you looking to sign-up for a volunteer opportunity at Shaw Montessori?  We are so glad you are here. 

Did you know each family is required to volunteer 10 hours per school year? There are many ways to meet volunteer requirements, including chaperoning field trips, spending hours in the classroom, or even as simple as attending the PTA meetings for the year.

Please look for your student's teacher's name or school event below and follow those links to sign up.

To sign-up for any volunteer opportunities, or to track your hours so far, please click here

School-Wide Volunteer Opportunities

Site Council/PTA Meetings Attendance Sign-up

Do you have opinions about how our school operates? Come to our monthly meeting.

Site Council starts at 5:30 PM and PTA starts right after from 6-7 PM.

Parents are encouraged to attend to stay informed and participate in what’s happening on campus.

Click here to record your attendance for upcoming site council and PTA meetings

Classroom Volunteer Opportunities

We understand that each teacher has unique needs to serve their classroom.  Please find specific classroom opportunities from your student's teachers by clicking their name below. 

Middle School

Ms. Jen Matthews

Ms. Faith Willman

Music and Arts

Ms. Miyuki Ketchum

Mr. Leslie Pozo

Outdoor Environment

Mr. James OBrien-Moench

Special Education

Shireen Wahid

Need Help?

Are you trying to find out how many hours you have volunteered this year? The directions to pull your own report are found here.

Are you a teacher or parent looking to share a volunteer opportunity?  Email Lauren Marie Kutsko to get it set up and sent out!

The Easiest Way to Support Our School

Staff & Teacher Likes

Looking to get your favorite teacher or support staff member a little something to say 'thank you'? Take a look at a few of their favorite things...it sure beats picking a random scented candle at the last minute.