"A Notable Idea has sheet music for everything. Except for his irritatingpractice of printing the key signatures only on the first line (as I guesssome of the cool NY jazz guys do), the sheets are excellent."

We had a really large crowd last night at my attempt to DJ a set list around "klezmer:the next generation." I am much gratified! I am still working out how much talk goes with how much music, and tried to err on the side of the music. I put up the set list a few minutes, ago. I tried to annotate everything so that people could find the recordings they enjoyed and dig in more deeply.

Lenka Everything At Once.flac

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The 20th annual KlezKamp has come and gone. Bob Blacksberg has done his usual wonderful job of taking pictures and putting them online. You can sample them at rblacksberg.com/page2.html. Lots of people posted to the Jewish-Music mailing list, and gave me permission to gather everyone's excitement, pleasure, kvetches, and everything that makes KlezKamp the wonderful experience that it is into one long webpage. It's a wonderful crew, have a good read.

I didn't agree with the blogger's reaction to Chevan's small political mention, and I certainly would not and do not draw the same conclusions from Chevan's intent. Come to think of it, as a child of the Sixties (well, as a tail-end baby boomer) I think that politics and music should mix - that politics infuses everything we do (as much as I do my best to keep politics off the Jewish-Music mailing list as the only way to accomodate widely differing, frequently polarized political views trying to come together to share cultural commonality), so not only don't I draw the same conclusions about Chevan's intent - opposition to Israel's security fence is not necessarily a sign that one is careless of Israel's security; rather it could be that calling the fence a "security" fence doesn't necessarily make it so - but I don't agree with the belief that music can always be separated from politics. be457b7860

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