Shashank Srivastava

I am a joint postdoc at DIMACS, Rutgers and IAS, Princeton, where I work in Theoretical Computer Science. My current research is centered around Coding Theory, Pseudorandomness and Sum-of-Squares algorithms.

I obtained my PhD from TTI Chicago where I was fortunate to be advised by Prof Madhur Tulsiani. Before that, I did a B.Tech. in Computer Science from IIT Kharagpur, India. Here's my CV.


PhD Thesis: Continuous Optimization for Decoding Errors

Undergraduate Research

Teaching (as a TA):


I subreviewed for the conferences SODA 2025, STOC 2024, RANDOM 2023, STOC 2023, CCC 2022 and STACS 2022. I also reviewed for the journal Combinatorica.