Sponsor's page

Dear Local Business Owner,

As a College, we take each and every opportunity to inform, develop and encourage our students to make a difference in society.

We believe that small business provides young people with a raft of opportunities to grow both their thinking skills, and entrepreneurial flair. We are passionate for our young people at the College to be ‘Future Fit’.

With this in mind, we appeal to you for your support in growing the next generation of young business men and women across the Hunter region.

As a local small business owner, will you consider a small financial donation towards the following ‘young people in business’ initiative?

Background to Initiative

Each year, as part of their Business Studies course, our Year 11 College students engage in developing a distinctly unique small business idea. Our students generate their ideas from scratch and put the concept through its paces. They project budgets, they consider marketing and operations requirements, support it with a business plan, and then they ‘showcase’ the idea at an expo-style event.

Student peers, parents and members of the local small business community join the expo and vote on the various exhibits, based on the following criteria:

  • creativity and validity of the business idea;

  • the ability of the student to demonstrate the commercial and social benefits of their product/idea;

  • enthusiasm and presentation of their business concept exhibit.

During the Expo, our students are also provided an opportunity to ‘pitch’ their idea in the form of a hypothetical, ‘Shark Tank’ style presentation to a range of small business owners and professionals. You may possibly be interested in joining that group of ‘sharks’.

Following the expo day, parents and school leaders attend a formal celebration dinner where prizes, awards and certificates are presented to students. The purpose is to affirm and encourage our students in using their God-given ability and to celebrate their effort and achievement in completing such a significant and demanding task.

When and where is the expo held?

In 2022 this event will occur on Thursday 30 June at Belmont Christian College, 65 John Fisher Road, Belmont North. The expo will commence at 9.50am and finish by 12pm. We would be privileged if you chose to attend and were on hand to encourage our students.

How can you help?

As one of our local small businesses in the Hunter region, our College community would greatly appreciate if you would consider sponsoring this innovative business program.

Your sponsorship would be publically acknowledged at the celebration dinner, including your business logo being displayed in any visuals and handouts. We will also have a table set aside at the celebration dinner for advertising paraphernalia, along with a dedicated section in the next College newsletter, which is distributed to over 400 local families on a fortnightly basis. Your sponsorship support will go towards supporting the celebration dinner, student cash prizes and certificates.

How do I sponsor this small business initiative?

If you are interested in supporting our next generation of young business men and women in the Hunter region, along with growing awareness of your own business, please consider one of the following financial partnership options.

  • $50

  • $100

  • $200

  • Other amount

To register your interest in sponsoring this small business initiative, please click on the button below.

If you have any queries, please contact me at the College on (02) 4922 8300.

Mr Ross Urane

Years 11 & 12 Business Studies Teacher