What an empowering revelation... There are others out there who know! Share welcomed me into it's arms, took me by the hand and led me to other moms who understood what I was feeling. Share support group is always a place that we can share our deepest feelings.... I have made some lifelong friends through Share. The death of my daughter has forever changed me and I feel so fortunate to have such wonderful friends to walk side by side with down this path. Our angels led us to each other . . . to help each other. When one is weak, the other is strong.

Share is here to support you, wherever you are. In the past year, Share supported thousands of families throughout the United States and around the world through informational packets, online support chats, email and phone support, Companion support, and social media presence. How can we support you through your loss? Contact Share at info@nationalshare.org with your questions or needs. We are here for you.

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If you don't see the share icon, the merchant or company that issued the pass or ticket hasn't enabled sharing in the Wallet app. Check their app or website to see if they provide options to share a pass or ticket.

The navigator.share() method of the Web Share API invokes the native sharing mechanism of the device to share data such as text, URLs, or files. The available share targets depend on the device, but might include the clipboard, contacts and email applications, websites, Bluetooth, etc.

The method resolves a Promise with undefined. On Windows this happens when the share popup is launched, while on Android the promise resolves once the data has successfully been passed to the share target.

Properties that are unknown to the user agent are ignored; share data is only assessed on properties understood by the user agent. All properties are optional but at least one known data property must be specified.

This method requires that the current document have the web-share Permissions Policy and transient activation. (It must be triggered off a UI event like a button click and cannot be launched at arbitrary points by a script.) Further, the method must specify valid data that is supported for sharing by the native implementation.

\n The method resolves a Promise with undefined.\n On Windows this happens when the share popup is launched, while on Android the promise resolves once the data has successfully been passed to the share target.\n

\n Properties that are unknown to the user agent are ignored; share data is only assessed on properties understood by the user agent.\n All properties are optional but at least one known data property must be specified.\n

A food dollar represents a $1 expenditure on domestically produced food by U.S. consumers. The food dollar is allocated to expenditures on each of the various food commodities sold in proportions that represent their share of annual sales in the U.S. market. See the Food Prices, Expenditures, and Establishments page for information on total U.S. food expenditures and U.S. Agricultural Trade for information on the import share of domestic food expenditures.

For calendar year 2022, farm production value added was 7.9 cents of each food dollar expenditure, implying that 7.0 cents from farm commodity sales (from the 14.9-cent farm share) was used to purchase products from the other industry groups. The 2022 industry group, value added food dollar also indicates about 46.5 cents of the food dollar value cover the services from food retailers (12.4 cents) and foodservice establishments (34.1 cents). Energy used throughout the food supply chain accounted for 3.8 cents of every 2022 food dollar expenditure. Advertising accounted for 3.4 cents of a food dollar expenditure.

CC platforms make it easy for users to discover and collaborate on images, video, music, research and educational texts. This page highlights some of the best known platforms for sharing CC content. Content on these platforms is searchable and shareable across the web thanks to CC licenses. Learn more about enabling CC on platforms >

The Share Insurance Estimator calculates and reports share insurance coverage for Personal Accounts, Business Accounts, and Government Accounts. Personal accounts include shares held by credit union members in single accounts, joint accounts, revocable trust accounts including both Payable on Death/In Trust For (POD/ITF) accounts and living trust accounts, and Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs). Business Accounts are shares held by credit union members that are corporations, partnerships, and organizations, both for-profit and not-for-profit. Government Accounts are funds belong to public units such as school districts, cities, municipalities, counties, and states.

OCCSP provides cost share assistance to producers and handlers of agricultural products who are obtaining or renewing their certification under the National Organic Program (NOP). Certified operations may receive up to 75 percent of their certification costs paid during the program year, not to exceed $750 per certification scope.

All counties and municipalities receiving distributions of local share assessments are required by the Pennsylvania Gaming Act to submit information to the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED). DCED is required to submit an annual report to the Appropriations, Community, Economic and Recreational Development, and the Gaming Oversight Committees on all distributions of local share assessments (gaming funds) to counties and municipalities by March 31 of each year.

Share Fares are available on Coach seats on most Amtrak routes, including popular routes like the Northeast Regional, Empire Builder, Auto Train, Downeaster, Palmetto and California Zephyr. The offer is also available in Acela Business Class. So, get the whole group together to share the ride and the savings.

You will learn the skill set required for becoming a junior or associate data analyst in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. Data analysts know how to ask the right question; prepare, process, and analyze data for key insights; effectively share their findings with stakeholders; and provide data-driven recommendations for thoughtful action.

In 2011, NOAA Fisheries implemented a catch share program for the West Coast Groundfish Trawl Fishery. The Pacific Coast Groundfish Fishery's Trawl Catch Share Program (Trawl Catch Share Program), also called the Trawl Rationalization Program, consists of an Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) Program for the shorebased trawl fleet and cooperative programs for the at-sea mothership and catcher/processor trawl fleets.

The catch share program divides the amount of catch allocated to the trawl fishery into shares controlled by individual fishermen or groups of fishermen (cooperatives). Under this program, fishermen have more flexibility for harvesting their catch than under the previous management structure.

A quota share permit authorizes a person or group to own quota share. A quota share (QS) account is an account that contains QS allocations registered to the QS permit for Individual Fishing Quota (IFQ) and Individual Bycatch Quota (IBQ) species.

At the beginning of each calendar year, we issue quota pounds (QPs) to each QS account based on the sector allocation. For quota pounds to cover catch (landings and discards) by a vessel in the Shorebased IFQ program, the QS permit owner must transfer QPs from the quota share account to a vessel account. All QPs must be transferred to a vessel account by September 1 each year. Once QPs are transferred out of QS accounts, they cannot be transferred back into QS accounts.

We initially issued 138 quota share permits (and associated QS accounts) based on historical groundfish catch in the trawl fishery. Only these 138 QS owners currently can own quota share permits and quota share percentages. However, in the future, new applicants may apply for a QS permit/account and purchase quota share percentages from existing QS owners.

The Trawl Catch Share Program requires vessels participating in the Shorebased IFQ program to have observer coverage at all times the vessel is at sea. Observers participating in this program are employed by private third-party companies. Please contact the observer program for a list of current providers. The Northwest Fisheries Science Center oversees the West Coast Groundfish Observer Program and trains, certifies, and equips catch share observers; ensures data quality; and stores, maintains, and analyzes data collected by observers. The Northwest Fisheries Science Center oversees the observer program. For additional information please visit the West Coast Groundfish Observer Program or contact the Observer Program office at 206.302.1777.

Digital Technology. to give specific users access to (online content), as by posting it on a social media website or sending it as an email attachment: to share photos on Instagram;a shared spreadsheet.

(often plural) any of the equal parts, usually of low par value, into which the capital stock of a company is divided: ownership of shares carries the right to receive a proportion of the company's profits: See also ordinary shares, preference shares

Visual Studio Live Share enables you to collaboratively edit and debug with others in real time, regardless what programming languages you're using or app types you're building. It allows you to instantly (and securely) share your current project, and then as needed, share debugging sessions, terminal instances, localhost web apps, and more! Developers that join your sessions receive all of their editor context from your environment (e.g. language services, debugging), which ensures they can start productively collaborating immediately, without needing to clone any repos or install any SDKs. ff782bc1db

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