About Me

 I am Shaochong Lin, a Research Assistant Professor at the Department of Data and Systems Engineering (DASE) 數據與系統工程系 at the University of Hong Kong. I have been working with Prof. Zuo-Jun Max Shen and building a research group with regular group meetings at HKU. 

My primary research involves data-driven Operations Management, interfaces between Machine Learning and Operations Research, and their applications in real-world problems in Supply Chains, Healthcare, and Transportation. I proactively cooperate with industry companies and solve research problems motivated by practice.

I received my Ph.D. in the Department of Management Sciences, City University of Hong Kong, and I was advised by Prof. Youhua (Frank) Chen. I was a visiting student researcher in the Department of Industrial Engineering and Operations Research, UC Berkeley.

Our Research team is opening various research positions, including Post-doc Fellows and Research Assistants. Please refer to the related information and send your personal CV to me if interested.  

827, Haking Wong Building, HKU

 Contact: shaoclin@hku.hk

website: https://www.imse.hku.hk/people/s-c-lin