Shancong Mou (牟善聪

Georgia Institute of Technology


I am a Ph.D. candidate majoring in Industrial Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology and a incoming assitant professor in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the University of Minnesota. I have a minor in Machine Learning, and I am currently pursuing a Master's degree in Computational Science and Engineering (expected 2024). My advisor is Professor Jianjun (Jan) Shi.

My current research interest is in System Informatics and Control, with an emphasis on the interface between statistics, oprations research, machine learning and computational science. 

Before coming here, I received the B.S. degree in Energy and Power Engineering from Xi'an Jiaotong University, China. During my undergradue study, I am forthune to work with Professor Wentao Ji, Jianfei Zhang, Zhenping Feng and Wenquan Tao.

You can find my CV here and a brief overview of my research here


🚀  We are organizing the VISION'24 workshop together with ECCV 2024: 2nd workshop on Vision-based InduStrial InspectiON

📢 Calling all researchers and enthusiasts: Get ready to showcase your expertise in vision-based inspection techniques! Our call for paper submissions and data challenge is underway. Don't miss out on this opportunity to contribute to cutting-edge advancements in the field.We're currently preparing the call for paper submissions and data challenge. 

🔍 Stay tuned for more updates!

Mou, S., Maguluri, S. T., 2023, “Heavy Traffic Queue Length Behavior in a Switch under Markovian Arrivals”.