Shaira Tabassum

Hello good people! Welcome to my world...

I am currently a master's student in the Computational Colour and Spectral Imaging (COSI) program at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). I have been awarded the prestigious Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Scholarship to support my study. My research interest includes Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Deep Learning.

Prior to joining NTNU, I was a Research Student in the Department of Information Science and Technology at Kyushu University, Japan as a Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholar. During this research period, I worked on applying machine learning to medical data analysis to improve the performance of remote healthcare systems in the Social Tech Lab with my supervisor Dr. Ashir Ahmed.

Previously, I worked as a Software Engineer at NAMS Innovation and as a Jr. Software Engineer at Grameen Communications. Prior to joining NAMS, I worked as a Teaching Assistant (TA) at United International University for two years. I also worked as a Software Intern at NAMS Innovation.

I completed my undergraduate from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at United International University in October 2019. During my undergrad, I founded 'The PowerTech Girls' - a knowledge-sharing forum that encourages girls’ participation in technology. Consequently, for my academic results and playing a leadership role in expanding women’s participation in technology, I was awarded the prestigious Google Women Techmakers Scholarship 2019 in Sydney, Australia.

I love reading books, playing guitar, art and crafting to cut out my stress.

My Academic and professional experiences at a glance...