Ph.D. in Marketing from Bocconi University

Research Areas:

I am on the 2024-2025 marketing job market. 


I hold a PhD in marketing from Bocconi University. My primary research interests lie in studying consumer judgment and decision making at the intersection of information processing and technology, with a particular emphasis on psychological factors that influence consumer decision making process and the role heuristics or mental shortcuts play in forming consumers choice making.

In my job market paper (invited for 2nd-round review at the Journal of Consumer Research), I challenged the ongoing debates on metacognitive difficulty in a choice context showing that consumers rely more heavily on heuristics such as brand names and recommended options to simplify their decision-making process when it is hard to process information.

I further explore consumers reaction to products described in gender-ambiguous voices and auditory information processing in particular. Focusing on digital voice assistants, I contribute to the existing literature on metacognitive difficulty by introducing a new type of disfluency which I called "social disfluency," meaning difficulty in understanding the gender of a narrator. This research is published online in Psychological Science.

In addition, I have several investigations in my research pipeline that revolve around behavioral pricing, and Textisms.

My research has been presented at leading conferences like EACR (2023), ACR (2023), and SJDM (2022).