Demons are enemies in Shadow Fight 2 that are far more powerful than the "regular enemies" (i.e. tournament opplol kuk access to the next Act, except for Shogun whose defeat paves way to the Gates of shadowfrght2

Hermit uses magic ridiculously advanced. His first preferred spell, Lightning Arrow, is from Act V. His ultimate spell, Water Ball, is from Act VI. Considering the fight takes place in Act II, that shows how powerful Hermit's magic is.

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Hermit fights as a regular opponent in round 1. Keep note that the standard opponent in Act II uses ranged weapons. After winning one round, Hermit gets stronger, using Lightning Arrow and sparingly summoning thunderstorms. After beating two rounds, Hermit becomes aggressive and uses his most powerful spells. He seems to be only concerned to keep his distance, so he can dish out massive damage from his thunderstorms and Water Ball spells.

I would say the strongest character in game is Xiang Tzu, with juggernaut, as he combines moves from all these factions and his special ability is op (I chose his name as you gotta upgrade mostly all of your items a lot to beat him, others like shadow and shadow mind have a weakness (like shadow's weakness is shadow damage, which can be increased using helmet and king of the legion's weakness is attack damage, higher damage = higher chance to win). But from your list, I think it's Gizmo ( not in the first chapter but in the seventh chapter ) as he has lethal moves and his special shadow ability can destroy mostly anyone

According to Lore, of course it's a Shadow. A living legend, the strongest warrior among humans, who defeated a Titan that no one else has defeated. What can I say? Huge experience in battles, deadly fighting style (which is combined with the same three famous ones), smart, and most importantly - his BRUTAL BODY. But there is one problem - it's old, xd. If you think about the game itself, I think the Shadow Mind has pissed me off most of all with its special attacks)

Titan's bodyguards were warriors who came from another world, a parallel universe. They shared similar traits with Shadow and like him, were able to survive the most powerful emission of shadow energy and pass through the Gates Of Shadows alive. However, unlike him, they did not have a strong enough will power to control it and ended up getting corrupted by the energy and becoming enslaved to Titan. They boast of having defeated the demon bosses in the other worlds and taking over what belonged to them (with the exception of Widow). Titan pits them against Shadow to show him what he could become if he allows shadow energy to possess him. Like Shadow, they gained the ability to walk between the worlds after they survived from the Gates Of Shadows.

He was a powerful and arrogant warrior who foolishly opened the Gates of Shadows in his pursuit of a worthy battle, thus unleashing the Shadow Energy into the world, its emission being so great that it overpowered him and destroyed his flesh and soul, leaving him as nothing but a shadowy existence. He steadily grows in power with the help of his companions and would-be lover, May, to undo his mistake. In due course of time, he defeats all the unleashed Shadow Demons, along with their master, Titan, and manages to close the Gates of Shadows once and for all, regaining his mortal body and soul. Shortly after he marries May, and lives off a peaceful and calm life with her.

Life Manipulation (Was unaffected by the Gates of Shadows' ability to passively drain the life energy of beings located in the realm next to them), Social Influencing (Was not intimidated by the danger Titan's powers posed, which were capable of frightening many great warriors and powerful beings), Soul Manipulation (Lacks a soul), Mind Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Unholy Corruption of Morality Manipulation (Resisted having his thoughts, feelings, memories and conscience changed by Titan; Retained his mind and will after surviving the most powerful Shadow Energy emission; Had the will to hold enourmous amounts of Shadow Energy, not being turned evil by it), Void Manipulation (His Shadow Form allows him to walk between the worlds, where space and time are not present, and resist the erasure on his body caused by the nothingness)

Life Manipulation (Was unaffected by the Gates of Shadows' ability to passively drain the life energy of beings located in the realm next to them), Social Influencing (Was not intimidated by the danger Titan's powers posed, which were capable of frightening many great warriors and powerful beings), Mind Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Unholy Corruption of Morality Manipulation (Resisted having his thoughts, feelings, memories and conscience changed by Titan; Retained his mind and will after surviving the most powerful Shadow Energy emission; Had the will to hold enourmous amounts of Shadow Energy without being turned evil by it), Void Manipulation (His Shadow Form allows him to walk between the worlds, where space and time are not present, and resist the erasure on his body caused by the nothingness), likely Soul Manipulation (Can continue to live even without a soul), Disease Manipulation (Resisted getting contaminated with the Scourge even after touching the Sphere multiple times; The Void Warden ability is unable to contaminate his Shadow Energy), Madness Manipulation (Resists having the shadows take their toll over his mind and driving him crazy), Possession (Shadow possesses an extraordinary soul that can contain Shadow Mind like an equal and withstand it, not having it take him over), Biological Manipulation (Resists having his pulse increase and feeling vertigo while Shadow Mind is inside him), Radiation Manipulation (Shadow can stay near the extremely powerful shadow anomaly that is May's grave for an extended period of time and endure its levels of shadow radiance, which gradually destroys people's minds), Purification (Is unaffected by the Shadow Burn perk and Scourge Liquidator ability), Energy Manipulation (Is unaffected by the Discharge, Shadow Leech and Shadow Snatch perks)

Attack Potency: Building level+ (Defeated Titan and overcame Ancient in combat, who are both immensely stronger than Shogun). Can ignore conventional durability with Poisoning, Bleeding, Time Bomb and Cobra | Building level+ (Same as before). Planet level, at most Universe level+ with the Accelerator Core Tower (Splitting a single shadow particle grants a blast of energy. With the Accelerator tower, Shadow can accelerate and split all the shadow particles on Earth, and thus the blast becomes so big it obliterates the world, leaving nothing behind but Shadow Energy. Shadow may activate the Accelerator by putting Shadow Mind into its Core. The Accelerator's Core is an infinite pocket dimension located between the worlds, a place called Bridge-Between. The Accelerator is like a hundred Void Rooms turned inside out, meaning that whoever is inside the Core pocket dimension can recreate the world outside by forming its space and time) and Historical Importance Index (He is able to change the fate of the world to his wish so that it always gets destroyed and potentially recreated no matter what happens). Can ignore conventional durability with Cobra | Building level+ (Same as before). Planet level, at most Universe level+ with the Accelerator Core Tower and Historical Importance Index. Can ignore conventional durability with Cobra and Fragile Opponent.

Intelligence: Average normally, Combat Genius. (Even before becoming a shadow, he was considered a great, invincible warrior for the sheer fact that everybody in the land he came across was unable to grant him a worthy battle. Having completed his training as Sensei's disciple, he has surpassed his mentor in the art of fighting by knowing all fighting tricks possible in the form of Perks, and beating all Shadow Demons with ease, who are all considered to be the best fighters in the land after him and Sensei. Shadow is able to perfectly wield any kind of new weapon he comes across on his first try using it, and showed no issue in this regard even when he was introduced to the gear of the Shadow World, which are weapons that are extremely advanced in comparison to the medieval, Earth ones he is familiar with. He has also achieved many titles related to combat mastery due to the multitude of fighting competitions he's won. In the Shadow World he has successfully defeated opponents who share a similar role to his - that of being the best warriors in their respective worlds. His ultimate combat prowess feat is the one in which he defeated in combat Ancient, who instructed most of the warriors previously mentioned in the art of fighting, and Titan, who has defeated innumerable amounts of warriors who were the best fighters in their worlds. In spite of all this, Shadow is prone to make bad decisions anywhere outside of combat as seen when he foolishly opened the Gates of Shadows - despite the laws of his elders warning him to not do so -, thinking he could take on whatever was hidden beyond the Gates with his strength and skill alone, condemning himself and the rest of Earth to eternal suffering. This is why for the rest of the events of Shadow Fight 2 he only follows his companions around and their advice on what he should do, and never thinks for himself) ff782bc1db

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