Seminario di Geometria e Algebra


Il seminario riunisce i gruppi di geometria e algebra di UNIBA e POLIBA. La cadenza del seminario è mensile ad eccezione di eventuali contributi di ospiti esterni. Per ricevere aggiornamenti o informazioni scrivere a Sara Azzali, Lucio Centrone o Francesco Pavese.

Seminari Futuri

Mercoledì 10 Luglio 2024 - Ore 15:0

Antonio Lotta (Università di Bari)


Seminari Passati

Mercoledì 29 Maggio 2024 - *Ore 14:30* Dip. di Matematica, UniBa

Liviana Palmisano (KTH Stoccolma)

One of the fundamental problems in dynamics is to understand the attractor of a system, i.e. the set where most orbits spent most of the time. As soon as the existence of an attractor is determined, one would like to know if it persists in a family of systems and in which way i.e. its stability. Attractors of one dimensional systems are well understood, and their stability as well. I will discuss attractors of two dimensional systems, starting with the special case of Henon maps. In this setting very little is understood. Already to determine the existence of an attractor is a very difficult problem. I will survey the known results and discuss the new developments in the understanding of attractors, coexistence of attractors and their stability for two dimensional dynamical systems.

[seminario cofinanziato dal PRIN2022 Interactions between Geometric Structures and Function Theories]

Lunedì 6 Maggio 2024 - Ore 15:00 DMMM PoliBa, Aula multimediale (2° piano)

Teo Mora (Università di Genova)

Gröbnerian and Gröbner-free techniques on non-associative algebras

Giovedì 18 Aprile 2024 - Ore 15:00, Dip. di Matematica, Aula IX

Giovanni Russo (Sissa, Trieste)

Nearly Kähler metrics and torus symmetry 

[seminario cofinanziato dal PRIN2022 Interactions between Geometric Structures and Function Theories ]

Nearly Kähler manifolds are Riemannian spaces equipped with an almost complex structure of special type. In dimension six, nearly Kähler metrics are Einstein with positive scalar curvature, and have interesting connections with $G_2$ and spin geometry. At present there are very few compact examples, which are either homogeneous or of cohomogeneity one. In this talk I will explain a theory of nearly Kähler six-manifolds with two-torus symmetry. The torus-action yields a multi-moment map, which we use as a Morse function to understand the structure of the whole manifold. In particular, we show how the local geometry of a nearly Kähler six-manifold can be recovered from three-dimensional data, and discuss connections with GKM theory.

Venerdì 12 Aprile 2024 - Ore 15:00, Dip. di Matematica, Aula IX

Giovanni Catino (Politecnico di Milano)

Some rigidity results for stable minimal hypersurfaces 

[seminario cofinanziato dal PRIN2022 Interactions between Geometric Structures and Function Theories ]

In this talk I will describe two recent results concerning the rigidity of complete, immersed, orientable, stable minimal hypersurfaces: they are hyperplane in R4 while they do not exist in some positively curved closed Riemannian (n+1)-manifold when n < 6. The first result was proved also by Chodosh and Li, and the second is a consequence of a more general result concerning minimal surfaces with finite index. Both theorems rely on a conformal method, inspired by a classical paper of Fischer-Colbrie. I will also present an application of these techniques to the study of critical metrics of a quadratic curvature functional.

Giovedì 11 Aprile 2024 - Ore 15:00, Dip. di Matematica, Aula IX

Giovanni Catino (Politecnico di Milano)

Einstein metrics and Ricci solitons 

[seminario cofinanziato dal PRIN2022 Interactions between Geometric Structures and Function Theories ]

In this talk I will show some rigidity results for Einstein metrics with positive scalar curvature and shrinking Ricci solitons.

Martedì 19 Marzo 2024 - Ore 15:00, DMMM PoliBa, Aula multimediale (2° piano)

Giovanni G. Grimaldi (Università degli Studi di Napoli "Federico II")

Non-linear MRD codes from cones over exterior sets 

Let PG(m,qn) be an m-dimensional projective space over the finite field with qn elements. Let A and B be two distinct points of PG(m,qn) and let Φ be a collineation, with accompanying field automorphism σ, between the stars (pencils if m=2) of lines through A and B such that the line AB is not mapped into itself and the subspace spanned by the lines AB, Φ(AB), Φ-1(AB) has dimension min{3,m}. The set X consisting of points of intersection of corresponding lines under Φ is called σ-normal rational curve

A set of n x n matrices with entries in GF(q) of size qn(n-d+1) is called maximum rank distance code or MRD code with parameters (n,n,q;d) if the rank of the difference of any two of its elements is at least d.

In this talk, it will be outlined how starting from X, it is possible to obtain a new family of non-linear (n,n,q;d)-MRD codes for any n > 2, 1 < d < n, and d = m.

Lunedì 11 Marzo 2024 - Ore 15:00, Dip. di Matematica, aula VI

Marian Ioan Munteanu (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania)

Magnetic Jacobi fields in almost contact metric manifolds 

[seminario cofinanziato dal PRIN2022 Interactions between Geometric Structures and Function Theories ]

The first variation of the Landau Hall functional on a Riemannian manifold leads to the notion of magnetic curves. Computing the second variation, we obtain the equation of a Jacobi-type field along a magnetic curve. In this talk we focus on the contact magnetic trajectories in Sasakian and cosymplectic manifolds (as ambient space) emphasising the main differences between the two cases. We will give several examples.

This talk is based on some joint papers:

Mercoledì 28 Febbraio 2024 - Ore 15:00 Dip. di Matematica, Aula XI

Thiago Castilho de Mello  (Universidade federal se São Paulo

Images of polynomials on algebras

The Lvov-Kaplansky conjecture states that the image of a multilinear polynomial evaluated on the matrix algebra over a field is a vector space. This result has only been proven for matrices of order 2, with some restriction on the base field. In this talk, we will present the topic of images of polynomials in algebras, and recent results on some variations of the Lvov-Kaplansky conjecture, considering different (not necessarily associative) algebras as well as algebras with additional structures.

Giovedì 25 Gennaio 2024 - Ore 15:00, DMMM PoliBa, Aula multimediale (2° piano)

Amedeo Altavilla (Università di Bari

Global Properties of Quaternionic Regular Functions

I will survey some basic facts about "regular functions" in the quaternionic setting.

First, I will compare the non-equivalent notion of regularity and the I will specialise in the theory of slice regularity (possibly in relation to monogenicity). Then I will discuss covering properties and algebraic structure for slice regular functions.

Martedì 28 Novembre 2023 - Ore 15:30, Dip. di Matematica, aula X 

Bence Csajbok (Politecnico di Bari

Small, complete subsets of groups without a 3-term arithmetic progression

Let G denote an Abelian group of odd order, written additively. A 3-term arithmetic progression of G, 3-AP for short, is a set of three distinct elements of G of the form g, g+d, g+2d, for some elements g, d of G

Let S denote a subset of G. Then S is called 3-AP-free if it does not contain a 3-AP. Moreover, S is called complete 3-AP-free if S is 3-AP-free and it is not contained in a larger 3-AP-free set. We will say that S is 3-AP saturating if for each element x of G \ S there is a 3-AP of G consisting of x and two elements of S. Clearly, S is complete 3-AP-free if and only if it is 3-AP-free and 3-AP saturating.

A classical problem in additive combinatorics is to obtain good upper and lower bounds for the maximal size of a 3-AP-free set. In the special case when G=GF(3)n (GF(q) denotes the finite field of order q) then the 3-AP-free sets are exactly the affine point sets without a collinear triple. In general, point sets of V=GF(q)n without a collinear triple are called (affine) caps. In finite geometry it is a classical problem to find small complete caps (a cap is complete if it is not contained in a larger cap) and small saturating sets (a point set S is saturating if for each point x of V \ S there is a collinear triple ofV consisting of x and two elements of S).

In this talk I will present constructions of complete 3-AP-free sets and 3-AP saturating sets whose size is close to the trivial lower bound. We will be mostly concerning the cases when G is a finite vector space or a cyclic group.

This is a joint work and work in progress with Zoltán Lóránt Nagy. 

Mercoledì 8 Novembre 2023 - Ore 15:30 - DMMM PoliBa, Aula 4, II piano

Leonardo Câmara (Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brasile) 

Residues for maps generically transverse to distributions

We prove the existence of residues related to tangency points of maps generically transverse to locally free holomorphic distribution. We provide some formulas relating these residues to the characteristic classes of these distributions. This is a joint work with Mauricio Corrêa.

Lunedì 9 Ottobre 2023 - Ore 15:00 - DMMM PoliBa, Aula multimediale (2° piano)

Aron Simis (Universidade de Pernambuco, Brasile

The Bourbaki degree of a plane projective curve

Bourbaki sequences and Bourbaki ideals have been studied by several authors since its inception sixty years ago circa. Generic Bourbaki sequences have been thoroughly examined by the senior author with Ulrich and Vasconcelos, but due to their nature, no numerical invariant was immediately available.

The present work introduces the Bourbaki degree as the algebraic multiplicity of a Bourbaki ideal corresponding to choices of minimal generators of minimal degree of the given graded module. Since the main intent is a study of plane curve singularities via this new numerical invariant, accordingly, quite naturally, the focus is on the case where the standing graded module is the first syzygy module of the gradient ideal of a reduced form f ∈ k[x, y, z] – i.e., the main component of the module of logarithmic derivations of the corresponding curve. The overall goal of this project is to allow for a tiny facet of classification of projective plane curves based on the behavior of this new numerical invariant, with emphasis on results about its lower and upper bounds. In particular, we revisit results of du Plessis and Wall, and of Dimca and co-authors.

(Joint work with Marcos Jardim and Abbas N. Nejad)

Giovedì 28 Settembre 2023 - Ore *14:30* -- Dip. di Matematica, aula IV

Sabino Di Trani (Sapienza Università di Roma

Linear Degenerations of Flag Variety: a Tale of Geometry and Combinatoric

Linear Degenerations of the Flag Variety arise as very natural generalizations of the Complete Flag Variety and their geometrical properties very often appear to be linked with interesting combinatorial patterns.

In the first part of the talk I am going to introduce these objects, discuss their remarkable properties and  state the main problems in this interesting research area. 

In the second part of the talk I will focus on a special class of linear degenerations, the Flat Degenerations, that have the remarkable property of being equidimensional algebraic varieties of the same dimension as the Complete Flag Variety.

Finally,  if there is enough time, I will show how suitable torus actions and quiver representation theory can be used in this setting to prove some new results about the smooth locus in Flat Linear Degenerations.

Mercoledì 12 Luglio 2023 - Ore 15:00 - Dipartimento di Matematica UniBa, Aula III (piano terra)

Viola Siconolfi (PoliBa) 

Zeta functions for class two nilpotent groups

The notion of Zeta function for groups was introduced in a seminal paper from Grunewald, Segal and Smith and proved to be a powerful tool to study the subgroup growth in some classes of groups. In this seminar I will introduce this Zeta function presenting some general properties for this object. I will then focus  on some results obtained for class two nilpotent groups. In particular, I will describe some combinatorial tecniques used to tackle this problem, namely the study of series associated to polyhedral integer cones.

This is a joint work with Christopher Voll and Marlies Vantomme.

Giovedì 6 Luglio 2023 - Ore 15:00 - Dipartimento di Matematica UniBa, Aula III (piano terra)

Roberto Pignatelli (Università di Trento

Varieties of small volume

This is a joint work with S. Coughlan, Y. Hu e T. Zhang. In the theory of the algebraic varieties of general type the key invariants are the (geometric) genus and the volume. I will discuss the known relations among these two numbers, and then discuss the case when the volume is minimal respect to the genus. In particular I will present the classical results of M. Noether-F-Enriques-E. Horikawa in dimension 2 and then present the analogous result we achieved in dimension 3.

Giovedì 29 Giugno 2023 - Ore 15:00 - DMMM PoliBa, Aula multimediale (2° piano)

Nicola Picoco (UniBa

Cayley–Bacharach property: a little history and some applications

The Cayley–Bacharach condition is a very classical property that found its roots in ancient and classical geometry. In this talk we retrace the main steps through the history that have led to the modern formulation. We show how be- ing Cayley–Bacharach with respect to the complete linear system of hypersurfaces of given degree forces a set of points in the projective space to lie on a reduced curve of low degree. In particular, starting from a result for points in the projec- tive plane due to Lopez and Pirola, we present some partial extensions to any Pn. Moreover, in a joint work with F. Bastianelli, we study the Cayley–Bacharach con- dition for points on Grassmannians; we rephrase the Cayley–Bacharach condition as a property for linear subspaces and we prove that this property affects their geometry. Namely, we get an upper bound for the dimension of the linear span of linear subspaces satisfying Cayley–Bacharach conditions. Finally we apply these results to different topics. The main one is the computation of the covering go- nality of the 3-fold and 4-fold symmetric product of a smooth complex projective curve of genus at least 4 and 5 respectively. Other applications concern linear se- ries on curves lying on smooth surfaces in P3 and the so-called correspondences with null trace.

Giovedì 1 Giugno 2023 - Ore 15:00 -Dip. di Matematica, Aula III (piano terra)

Indira Chatterji (Université Côte d'Azur) 

Hyperbolic groups

A group il called finitely generated if every element can be expressed in terms of a finite subset of elements of the group. We will be discussing hyperbolic groups, a class of finitely generated groups including fundamental groups of closed negatively curved manifolds, as well as some generalizations.

Giovedì 18 Maggio 2023 - *Ore 14:00* -Dip. di Matematica, Aula III (piano terra)

Elena Martinengo (Università di Torino)

Algebre di Lie differenziali graduate, teoria delle deformazioni e luoghi di Brill-Noether

Nella prima parte di questo seminario introdurremo le algebre di Lie differenziali graduate (dgLa) e spiegheremo il loro uso in teoria delle deformazioni, illustrando molti esempi classici in cui esse vengono usate in maniera vantaggiosa. Nella seconda parte ci concentreremo sullo studio dei luoghi di Brill-Noether. Sia C una curva liscia proiettiva, i luoghi di Brill-Noether W_d^k sono spazi dei sistemi lineari su C di grado d e di dimensione proiettiva almeno k. Sono classicamente note proprietà di tali luoghi, quali la connessione, la dimensione, i luoghi singolari e ci sono vari lavori abbastanza recenti in cui tali risultati vengono generalizzati al caso di fibrati vettoriali di qualunque rango e a varietà lisce proiettive di qualunque dimensione. In un lavoro con Donatella Iacono, ci occupiamo di studiare i luoghi di fibrati vettoriali aventi almeno un numero fissato di sezioni indipendenti su una varietà proiettiva liscia. Usando le algebre di Lie differenziali graduate siamo in grado di riottenere e generalizzare alcuni risultati che riguardano lo spazio e il cono tangente e i luoghi singolari di tali spazi.

Mercoledì 17 Maggio 2023 - Ore 15:00 - Dip. di Matematica, aula X

Janet Vassilev (University of New Mexico)

Differential operators on toric face rings and differentially fixed ideals

Mercoledì 17 Maggio 2023 - Ore 16:00 - Dip. di Matematica, aula X

Dimiter Vassilev (University of New Mexico)

The fractional Yamabe equation on homogeneous groups

seminari proposti e organizzati da Margherita Barile e Annunziata Loiudice

Janet Vassilev: Toric face rings are a generalization of both Stanley-Reisner rings and affine semigroup rings. Our goal in this talk is two-fold: (1) We will describe the ring of differential operators of a toric face ring $R$ using the rings of differential operators on affine semigroup rings which are algebra retracts of $R$, and (2) we will give a complete characterization of monomial ideals in an affine semigroup ring which are fixed by a differential operator. This is joint work coming from two projects with Berkesch, Chan, Klein, Matusevich and Page and with Miller and Taylor.

Dimiter Vassilev: The general themes of the talk are Dirichlet forms, fractional operators and associated Sobolev type spaces on groups of homogeneous type. Our results lead to explicit integral formulas of the infinitesimal generators, which are the studied fractional operators, and embedding theorems between the relevant spaces. The considered groups are not assumed to be Carnot groups or to satisfy a H\"ormander type conditions. Finally, we will describe a result on sharp asymptotic decay of solutions to non-linear equations modeled on the fractional Yamabe equation.

Lunedì 15 Maggio 2023 - Ore 17:00 - Dip. di Matematica, Aula X

Homare Tadano (Yamaguchi University)

A Zoo of Myers-type Theorems

One of the important issues in differential geometry is to study the relation between curvature and topology of Riemannian manifolds. In this talk, I would like to introduce various generalizations and improvements of the classical Myers theorem via some modifications of the Ricci curvature.If time permits, I would also like to discuss some relations between topology and geometric structures on Riemannian manifolds such as Myers-type theorems on Sasaki manifolds.

Giovedì 11 Maggio 2023 - Ore 15:00 - DMMM PoliBa, Aula multimediale (2° piano)

Daniele Bartoli (Università degli Studi di Perugia)

Relevant classes of polynomial functions with applications to Coding Theory and Cryptography

A number of different polynomial functions over finite fields have relevant applications in applied areas of Mathematics, as Cryptography or Coding Theory. Among them, APN functions, PN functions, APN permutations, permutation polynomials have been widely studied in the recent years.

In order to investigate non-existence of such functions or to provide constructions of infinite families, algebraic varieties over finite fields are a useful tool. In this direction, a key ingredient is an estimate of the number of rational points of such algebraic varieties and therefore Hasse-Weil type theorems (Lang-Weil, Serre,. . . ) play a fundamental role.

The aim of this talk is to summarize recent results in this direction.

Giovedì 4 Maggio 2023 - Ore 15:00 -Dip. di Matematica, Aula III (piano terra)

Daniele Angella (Università di Firenze)

The Chern-Ricci flow on Inoue-Bombieri surfaces

In the tentative to move from the Kähler to the non-Kähler setting, one can formulate several problems concerning Hermitian metrics on complex manifolds with special curvature properties. Among these problems, we mention the existence of Hermitian metrics with constant scalar curvature with respect to the Chern connection, and the generalizations of the Kähler-Einstein condition to the non-Kähler setting. They are usually translated and attacked as analytic pdes.

In this context, the Chern-Ricci flow plays an useful role. The Chern-Ricci flow is a parabolic evolution equation for Hermitian metrics that extends the Kähler-Ricci flow to Hermitian manifolds. It is expected that the behaviour of solutions of the Chern-Ricci flow deeply reflects the underlying complex structure. In particular, understanding the behaviour of the Chern-Ricci flow on non-Kähler compact complex surfaces is particularly interesting, due to the fact that minimal class VII surfaces are not yet completely classified.

In this talk, we study the problem of uniform convergence of the normalized Chern-Ricci flow on Inoue-Bombieri surfaces with Gauduchon metrics.

The talk is based on a joint work with Valentino Tosatti, and on collaborations and discussions with Simone Calamai, Francesco Pediconi, Cristiano Spotti, and others.

Venerdì 21 Aprile 2023 - *Ore 14:30* - DMMM PoliBa, Aula multimediale (2° piano)

Francesco Bastianelli (UniBa)

Measures of irrationality for projective varieties

A projective variety X of dimension n is said to be rational if it is birationally isomorphic to the n-dimensional projective space P^n, i.e. if it contains an open dense subset isomorphic to an open dense subset of P^n. 

Due to our knowledge about projective spaces, it is important to understand whether a given variety is rational or satisfies some property of rational varieties.  

In addition, there has been a great deal of recent interest and progress in studying the so-called “measures of irrationality”, i.e. birational invariants that somehow measure how a given variety is far from satisfying properties of rational varieties.

In this talk, I will discuss these invariants and I will focus on various recent results concerning measures of irrationality for hypersurfaces in P^n.

Giovedì 23 Marzo 2023 - Ore 15:00 - Dip. di Matematica, Aula III (piano terra)

Michela Ceria (PoliBa)

On the geometry of (q + 1)-arcs of PG(3, q), q even

Giovedì 16 Febbraio 2023 - Ore 15:00 DMMM PoliBa, Aula multimediale (2° piano)

 Lucio Centrone (UniBa)

Specht property and Gelfand's conjecture

Giovedì 19 Gennaio 2023 - Ore 15:00 - Dip. di Matematica, Aula XIII (quarto piano)

 Mauricio Barros Correa (UniBa)

Algebro-geometric methods in holomorphic distributions and foliations

The theory of distributions and foliations has its origins in the studies of nineteenth-century mathematicians such as Grassmann, Jacobi, Clebsch, Cartan and Frobenius. They were motivated by the fundamental work due to Pfaff, who proposed a geometric approach to the study of differential equations. Distributions and foliations play an important role in several subjects from differential, complex, algebraic and Poisson geometries. The qualitative study of foliations induced by complex polynomial differential equations was investigated by Poincaré, Darboux and Painlevé. In this talk I will discuss some Algebro-geometric methods in  the study of holomorphic distributions and foliations, their moduli spaces and topological invariants.