Now, as per the openssh FAQ at , if your startup scripts echo any kind of output, it messes up with sftp. So it either delays indefinitely, or errors out with a "Connection closed by server with exit code 128".

The sftp/scp tools start an interactive non-login shell, so .bashrc will be sourced. Many distributions source .bashrc from .bash_profile or vice versa, so it can get confusing. A good trick for testing the cleanliness of your login environment is to ssh in with a command, which simulates the same way scp/sftp connect. For example: ssh myhost /bin/true will show you exactly what scp/sftp sees when they connect.

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Add your users to the sftponly group. The chroot directory must be owned by root, and cannot be group-writeable, so create a subdirectory for each user that's owned by the appropriate user (if you match their home directory, it will be the default working directory when connecting). I'd also set /bin/false as the user's shell.

I run a linux file server for my office and we user SFTP for remote partners to login and download files. Is there a way to see if there are any active connections or logins so I can know when it is safe to perform maintenance on the machine?

which should show any sshd sessions (which are used for sftp). I notice on my machine my sshd process command line contains '$USER@notty' which makes sense since I'm not logged in with a terminal session. You could tighten up the grep above with:

sftp is built on top of SSH. It stands for the "SSH File Transfer Protocol". And when you're logged in over ssh, 'who' will include you as a logged in user with its output. So I'd expect this to work with active sftp sessions too.

I was able to sftp into the ubuntu box using my ubuntu username and password (not the xbmc ones) with an Android app on my phone called AndFTP. Once in, I was able to delete a folder on the host machine. This tells me that not only is sftp working, but permissions, etc, are all set up correctly.

i'd guess he's not sure how he fixed it. i had a similar problem and fixed it by deleting my ssh known hosts file. even though command line sftp and ssh to my server worked xbmc logs showed it was rejecting it for some kind of key problem. figured it out by enabling logging in the xbmc menu and checking the xbmc log file. edit: sorry to necro the thread it just came up high on my searching so i figured my solution might be handy to the next person.

If you need to transfer files over anonymous FTP, sftp is not the program to use. Because all sftp connections are encrypted, they require a username and password (or public key authentication). So, for anonymous FTP transfers, use regular ftp.

The first step is to create a dedicated Linux user that people can use to sftp into the server. Creating one is rather simple with the useradd command. The -s option allows me to specify which shell the user should get when logging on into the machine via ssh. In this case, as I only want to allow people to sftp into the machine, I define the shell as /sbin/nologin. This is not a shell but a command that politely refuses a login, as the man page for this program says. That way, I disable SSH access into my server for that user. The other option I pass on is the -M option. This tells useradd not to create a home directory for the user:

Once the user itself is setup, it is time to think about the specific location that I want the user to have access to via sftp. In my case, I just want the user to be able to get files from a new directory /download, so I just go ahead and create it:

In order to allow sftp access for the user, I have to change the SSH configuration file located at /etc/ssh/sshd_config. There are five instructions that I add to the configuration file: Match User, ChrootDirectory, ForceCommand, AllowTcpForwarding and X11Forwarding. The addition as a whole to the configuration file looks like this:

I am very very new to linux and looking for an OS that has built in, Secure FTP functionality. It would be strictly used for this purpose and for nothing else, so other than security, no other features are necessary. Anyone have any suggestions? Any helpful advice for a new linux user as far as setting up an SFTP server? Thanks ahead of time for all of your help!

Go to your FreeNAS web interface and browse to Services > SSH and check the box labeled Enable and configure your settings to your liking.

Click Save and reboot, now you should be able to access SFTP from your desired client with sftp:// (serverip)

I'm new to turnkey linux & love it so far. Though I haven't found much documentation on the file server appliance, that I just setup. Maybe I'm not looking in the right places. Anywho; our main purpose (for now) is to use the sftp service in & outside our organization. I have users setup & they can upload/download files.

I may let our internal users sftp in to upload/download. I'm not too worried about what they can access. Where I do get worried is when we open this up to the outside world. I am now leaning towards just opening up port http (to the outside world) & letting outside clients come in via the extplorer site. Seems like I have it where they are restricted to upload/download in their home directory only, but still need permissions changed so our in house guys can delete what the outside clients upload in those home directories. Thanks again.

[edit] Also your other query re logging can also be handled by altering the vsftpd.conf file to enable logging. I'm not sure of the exact changes you'll need to make, try having a fiddle and/or have a google. From what I gather there are 2 levels of logging file transfers, or complete logging (ie all dialogue).

I've tried to secure the sftp per your instructions, but users can still browse anywhere & download anything they want. I haven't even gotten to the logging part. This should not be this hard. I've spent a lot of time on this, sorry; I have to move onto a different solution. I will keep Turnkey Linux in mind for future projects/ideas. Thank you again for your help & speedy response.

I too tried the steps I suggested to you and I couldn't get it to work either. Strange thing it that vsftpd doesn't seem to be installed on TKL Core and yet I can connect that fine with SFTP!?! I can only assume that some other app (other than vsftpd) is supplying SFTP connections. So to acheive what you want I'm guessing that we'll need to either disable or configure this other app. I've had a bit of a fiddle but I'm at a loss and can't get it to do what you want. I think this would be a very useful feature in TKL appliances, especially in this one, but probably in most (if not all) of them.

[edit] I think vsftp is there for eXtplorer - FTP mode!? That would explain why the changes aren't having any effect, vsftpd is currently configured to only listen to (ie localhost). Also from the reading I have just done, SFTP is supplied by OpenSSH-server (the same app that supplies SSH connections) so will require adjustments to the relevant conf file for that app.

I tried to chroot the users, but when I did; the users couldn't connect to the server via sftp. So I commented that out of the sshd_config file. I ended up changing folder permissions around in my ftp directory. Seems like it is working the way I need it to. The next thing I need is to be able to restrict remote console for external users (like someone using putty.) Since it is on the same port 22, how could I do this?

Another idea off the top of my head (if you're not going to use eXtplorer) would be to leverage vsftpd for your client users FTP access, but instead of using SFTP (FTP over SSH), use FTPS (FTP over SSL). The advantage of that is that the users can be denied login at all.

Finally getting back to your question re best appliance for your purpose. Really it depends on your exact needs. You may even find that if you don't need a lot of the stuff such as eXtplorer and Samba, then starting with Core may be best and then just add what you want (such as vsftpd). Perhaps food for thought. Without knowing more about your scenario, I can't say for sure, but I doubt the torrent appliance would really be what you want.

I am migrating our SUSE Linux SFTP server over to Oracle Linux. I have worked through some minor issues, password encryption, and almost ready to go live with this server. Only issue I am still trying to overcome is move the sftp entries from /var/log/messages to /var/log/sftp.log. I found these articles during a quick Google search - and but neither are working.

I have restarted both sshd and rsyslog but still do not see this new sftp.log file. I also confirmed that the SFTP entries are still being written to /var/log/messages. How can I separate out the sftp activity into its separate log file?

I started from the following article to set up SFTP on Ubuntu Server: -to-setup-sftp-server-ftp-over-ssh-in-ubuntu/. If I follow these instructions, I can connect with SFTP, but I am no longer able to connect to SSH from a terminal:

i've used a similar method with the same error and found out to use sshfs to connect/mount the sftp share on the server. Filezilla also connects but not able to get in with the terminal ssh command. -ssh-ftp-users-to-home-directory was the tutorial i used to make it. I also had to create the home directory manually as the useradd command is not recommanded under ubuntu.

I solved a very a similar problem by considering it is exclusive : either you want to ssh or you want to sftp. Hence, removing my main user from the sftp group and leaving only my guests users as members of this sftp group, made ssh back again for my main user.

For overall security, it is always recommended to create groups and users, then assign specific rights to these users in order to prevent unauthorized access to a service. This way, administrators will be able to differentiate roles much more easily. For example, SFTP services and normal services can be clearly defined, and each service's owner can easily identify which part of the service belongs to them. In our example, we'll create a group called "sftpteam" and a username called "linuxteck". You can create these groups and usernames using the following commands: e24fc04721

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