Who We Are

We believe in and support UESF members.

We are love our union UESF.

We are pro union.

We believe our union UESF is the 6000+ members , not solely the 7 UESF officers.

We believe in uplifting the voices of ALL UESF members.

We are current and former UESF leaders and members with years of advocacy and union work.

We are educators.

We are full due paying current and retired UESF members in good standing.

We are San Francisco Educators who are deeply concerned about the serious issues facing SFUSD and also about the way that current UESF officers seem to be behaving in ways that encourage divisiveness, exclusion, disorganization, and a lack of transparency. Due to the non-responsiveness of UESF officers to the concerns of a large number of SF Educators (when they are not directly in opposition to member voices), we are organizing for:

  • A better, more fair and more equitable, contract for all of the UESF members who are instrumental in providing the schools our students deserve

  • A pushback on the narrative that SFUSD is financially strapped UNTIL and UNLESS they open their books and show us where the money is

  • Express our discontent with the current UESF leadership in their attempts to divide us from each other, deflect attention from their own deficiencies, control member interactions and contributions, and avoid any and all advice from experienced members and constituent groups

  • A way to openly and publicly hold our UESF officers accountable to all of the UESF constituent groups

What This Looks Like

We want a fair and inclusive contract

  • Meaningful wage increases for all workers in SFUSD (NOT one-time bonus)

  • Increased prep time for ALL teachers

  • Absolutely ZERO negotiations about cutting (or not significantly increasing) ANYTHING until SFUSD opens their books to us and to an outside, neutral agency

UESF Leadership should stop being divisive

  • UESF Officers cease publicly attacking members on social media

  • If UESF Officers have private social media (which is their right), they should not post about UESF issues while concurrently promoting anti-democratic and anti-union issues

  • UESF Officers immediately stop contacting ONLY selective membership constituencies in order to manipulate the Rep Assembly voting process

  • UESF Officers stop pitting constituent groups against each other as happened during the divisive TA Ratification process (For example: " Saying "Teachers were trying to take raises from Para-Educators")

  • Stop pedantically lecturing membership during UESF meetings

UESF leadership that makes decisions based on the full mandate of members.

  • Transparency with members and sharing information with honesty, consistency and fidelity

  • Surveying, using a survey that has been written and vetted by all constituent groups, membership prior to contract negotiations, MOU’s, and all other negotiations and agreements with SFUSD, and then share the survey results with ALL members

  • UESF Budget transparency and surveying the members around major financial decisions (such as the sale of the UESF building or why we are funding more UESF Officers on release time than previous years)

  • Allow for meaningful input from membership during meetings (stop using Zoom mute and meeting ejection features to silence voices while not following past procedures to actually provide time and avenues for members to register dissent). Use the Zoom Q and A feature for transparency

  • Stop intentionally excluded experienced bargaining team members. Our bargaining team should be fully representative of ALL UESF members, divisions, grade levels and school sizes,

Following and upholding the bylaws in the spirit and traditions in which they written written

  • Stop dismissing, silencing, muting and ignoring the consult of UESF leaders, former UESF presidents, CTA leadership and UESF members when they are bringing up valid points of order for UESF bylaw violations.

  • Allow members to bring forth new business at UESF Rep Assembly meetings

  • Allow members to speak for the good of the order and bring up points or personal points at UESF Rep Assembly meetings

  • Ensure that interpretation is available until the end of EACH UESF meeting (with full consideration and planning for meeting extensions per the bylaws) for full access for all or our members.

  • Make all UESF meetings hybrid for full access for all UESF members regardless of circumstance, health condition or disability.

Members will holding UESF Officers accountable, openly and publicly

  • This site and these postings are available openly and publicly

  • Speaking up whenever and however possible when we disagree (and when we agree) with the procedures, processes, attitude, and actions of UESF Officers

  • Sharing information with anyone and everyone when we find that UESF Officers are continue to act in their own narrow interest and not the interest of all UESF membership

  • Encourage members to pay their dues for full engagement as UESF members.