Page Created:  03/23/23.  Last Update:  04/09/23.

2023 SFABC Zoom Gala Schedule

Click on the name of the presentor for more information.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

04:00 PM - James PhillipsObscure US & UK Genre Films & Shows

05:00 PM - Lissanne Lake:  Ukiyo - Japanese Fantasy Art

06:00 PM - Two Part Program

.........................6:00 PM - Claire Fisher:  The Dead Girlfriends Report

..........................6:30 PM - David Willison:  Vintage Tech & Mythic Monsters

07:00 PM - A J Bartholomew:  Creative Works in Multiple Medias

08:00 PM - Lonny Buinis - The Science of Space Mysteries & Mars

09:00 PM - David Watson - Converting a Short Story to a Film

Sunday, April 16, 2023

10:00 AM - Conor MacFinn:  ARIEL THE MOVIE Animation Preview

11:00 AM - Clif Flynt:  The Making of PROMISED REWARDS

Noon - Madhavi Ghare:  Outline Your Story with Tarot Cards

01:00 PM - Randie O'Neil:  There's a Song in Everyone

02:00 PM - Reyna FavisOf Search Dogs & Psychopomps

03:00 PM - Ron Lottermann:  MidJourney:  Using Graphic AI to Inspire Your Stories