Digital Citizenship Curriculum

Pickerington Local School District inspires educators and engages students to become responsible digital citizens who know how to harness the learning potential of digital media in a 24/7 connected world, safely, effectively, ethically, and respectfully.

Click on the grade level person to access that grade level curriculum

Overview of the Digital Citizenship Plan

  • Provides basic instruction in essential elements of Digital Safety and Citizenship, which must be addressed to keep our students safe and successful
  • Requires only 1-2 hours per term of class time
  • Responsibility shared amongst multiple school personnel (classroom teachers, technology teachers, principals, school counselors, librarians)
  • Required for E-Rate, CIPA and HB116 compliance - the well-being of students is paramount but this is also tied to federal and state compliance and funding
  • Parent presentations and grade level online safety talks will be organized by PLSD technology coordinators in conjunction with building admins


  • Curriculum is to be completed in the quarter or trimester in which it is indicated (please provide feedback to curriculum/technology coordinators if the order of topics needs to be changed to fit better within the main curriculum)
  • Attendance submitted each term via this Google Form.
  • Topics assigned to teachers may be completed during main class time or E/I
  • Although lessons are pre-made, the expectation is that lesson days include open and honest discussion with students.

Make It Everyday

  • It is highly recommended that digital safety and citizenship be a daily topic when using technology and that supplemental material above and beyond the curriculum is used often within core content.