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Seyma's research interests relate to Bayesian methods using high-dimensional time series models. Much of her research in her Ph.D. studies under the guidance of Professor Gary Koop and Professor Julia Darby at the University of Strathclyde has focused on developing innovative Bayesian methods and computational tools in multivariate dynamic time series models to analyze the consequences of financial market downturn and its impact on real economic activity, with particular focus on the implications for economic growth, business-cycle dynamics, and monetary policy. Seyma's current active research is on macroeconomic structural and forecasting analysis using high-dimensional Bayesian composite likelihood methods and dynamic graphical models.

Postdoctoral Research Associate 

Qatar Centre for Global Banking and Finance 

King’s Business School 

King's College London 

London, WC2B 4BG

United Kingdom

Email is the best way to reach me: seyma.vahap@kcl.ac.uk 

or my personal email seymawahab@gmail.com