Sex Addiction Overcomers

A Christian 12-Step Recovery Men's Group

S.A. Overcomers is a fellowship of men who have been afflicted by sexual addiction. We believe that as we look to a loving God for help, and put into practice those principles for living which He has given in His Word, we shall find both the strength and freedom we need to live righteous, productive, and joyful lives. We strongly believe that our "Higher Power" is the God of the bible, as manifested to us through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Our five-fold purpose, based directly upon the Word of God, is set forth as follows:

(1) To provide fellowship in recovery;

(2) To be and to live reconciled to God and His family;

(3) To gain a better understanding of the affliction of sex addiction;

(4) To be built up and strengthened in our faith in Christ;

(5) To render dedicated service to others who are suffering as we once suffered.


What does SAO seek recovery from?

Lusting, and the associated sexual acting-out behaviors over which one experiences inability to control, that lead to physical, emotional, mental, relational &/or spiritual distress. SAO’s 1st Step reads as follows: “We admitted we were powerless over lust – that our lives had become unmanageable.” 

What makes SAO a Christian group?

Members acknowledge Jesus Christ as their Higher Power, although as a fellowship, we are non-denominational. Any man desiring to stop lusting / sexual acting-out behaviors who is open to exploring the Christian system of belief is welcome to participate.

Is there a sobriety requirement to share at meetings?

Yes, 90 days of continuous sexual sobriety is associated with accumulating sufficient experience, strength & hope to be able to share at meetings, in the service of supporting a meeting culture optimally helpful to others recovering from sex addiction.

If I can't share at meetings until sexually sober, how do I get support?

Connecting with a more experienced member of the fellowship in a mentoring or "sponsor" relationship is how newcomers learn the ropes and get the greater volume & frequency of interpersonal support & accountability needed to achieve initial sexual sobriety.

So, 12-Step fellowships are different from group therapy?

Yes, very much so. Individual or group therapies may represent additional resources that can be helpful to the recovery journeys of those with sex addiction, but effective 12-Step fellowships are uniquely designed to solve the problem of addiction through a particular approach.

So are there other things I can do to recover in between meetings?

Absolutely! Regularly "working the steps" in between meetings is the primary avenue to experiencing recovery. Staying in touch with your sponsor & other supportive members to inform & support step-work is also mission-critical, as well as doing service work.