How to Set Up a Wireless New Printer - 123hp Setting up

Setting up any 123hp printer can be relatively simple these days, thanks to a variety of printer models that come with their own installation software or have websites for downloading or com setup printer software. If your printer connects by a wire, plug it into your device. It'll connect automatically, your PC will download the right drivers, and you can use it right away.  To connect a wireless printer, follow these steps:

 Note: The process will be different if you're using a wireless printer; we'll talk more about that later on.

Steps on printing a document, picture, or another file

To print a document, like a letter, or another type of file, follow the steps below.

OR -

Once either of the options above is done, a Print properties window appears and lets you specify additional printing options (e.g., number of copies). Once you've selected the options, click Ok or Print to start the printing process.