In two related settlements, one with the United States and the State of California, and one with the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC), German automaker Volkswagen AG and related entities have agreed to spend up to $14.7 billion to settle allegations of cheating emissions tests and deceiving customers. Volkswagen will offer consumers a buyback and lease termination for nearly 500,000 model year 2009-2015 2.0 liter diesel vehicles sold or leased in the U.S., and spend up to $10.03 billion to compensate consumers under the program. In addition, the companies will spend $4.7 billion to mitigate the pollution from these cars and invest in green vehicle technology.

The settlements use the authorities of both the EPA and the FTC as part of a coordinated plan that gets the high-polluting VW diesels off the road, makes the environment whole, and compensates consumers.

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The settlements require Volkswagen to offer owners of any affected vehicle the option to have the company buy back the car and to offer lessees a lease cancellation at no cost. Volkswagen may also propose an emissions modification plan to EPA and CARB, and if approved, may also offer owners and lessees the option of having their vehicles modified to substantially reduce emissions in lieu of a buyback. Under the U.S./California settlement, Volkswagen must achieve an overall recall rate of at least 85% of affected 2.0 liter vehicles under these programs or pay additional sums into the mitigation trust fund. The FTC order requires Volkswagen to compensate consumers who elect either of these options.

Eligible consumers will receive notice from VW after the orders are entered by the court this fall. Consumers will be able to see if they are eligible for compensation and if so, what options are available to them, at and They will also be able to use these websites to make claims, sign up for appointments at their local Volkswagen or Audi dealers and receive updates. Consumer payments will not be available until the settlements take effect if and when approved by the court, which may be as early as October 2016.

The provisions of the U.S./California settlement are contained in a proposed consent decree filed today in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, as part of the ongoing multi-district litigation, and will be subject to public comment period of 30 days, which will be announced in the Federal Register in the coming days. The provisions of the FTC settlement are contained in a proposed Stipulated Final Federal Court Order filed today in the same court.

AstraZeneca has entered into settlement agreements in the product liability litigations related to Nexium and Prilosec. The agreements effectively resolve the product liability claims that are currently pending in the Multidistrict Litigation in the US District Court for the District of New Jersey, as well as in the Delaware Superior Court and the New Jersey Superior Court. The specific terms of the agreements are confidential.

AstraZeneca continues to believe these claims are without merit and admits no wrongdoing in the settlement agreement. These settlements avoid continued costly litigation and allow the Company to move forward with its purpose of delivering life changing medicines to millions of patients around the world.

DOR may, but is not required to, accept an Offer. A taxpayer has no right to such a settlement. DOR does not negotiate on any Offer; therefore taxpayers should put forth their best Offer with their application.

The Attorney General for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts must review, and may object to, any Offer proposing to settle the liability for over $20,000 less than the total amount owed or for less than half of the total amount owed.

An offer in compromise allows you to settle your tax debt for less than the full amount you owe. It may be a legitimate option if you can't pay your full tax liability or doing so creates a financial hardship. We consider your unique set of facts and circumstances:

To help new lawful permanent residents (LPR) integrate to life in the United States, check out the links below. USCIS offers helpful information about education, child care, employment, what to do in case of an emergency, and a number of popular topics that will help new immigrants settle in the U.S. First, begin with 'About the United States' to learn about our history and government. As you get settled, become involved in your community by volunteering your time.

We also offer a comprehensive guide, Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants. It has practical information to help you settle into everyday life in the United States. It also contains basic civics information that introduces you to the U.S. system of government. You can download free copies in 14 languages. You can purchase printed copies in English, Spanish, and Chinese through the U.S. Government Bookstore.

This brochure is currently available in the following languages. The information in the brochure will help refugees and asylees learn about getting settled in the United States and about the rights, responsibilities, and importance of U.S. citizenship.

Medical Informatics Engineering, Inc. (MIE) has paid $100,000 to the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and has agreed take corrective action to settle potential violations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy and Security Rules. MIE is an Indiana company that provides software and electronic medical record services to healthcare providers.

The Where To Settle platform, which was first made available in July 2022, was created from the needs that arose from the outbreak of war in Ukraine. In the first few months, it was vital to support refugees in finding a temporary place to live in Poland; most of which ended up in large cities where they were guaranteed the necessary assistance. Many of them however did not plan to stay there - only 12% intended to settle in Warsaw, and 17% in Lodz.

One year on, it is now crucial to help Ukrainians who have settled in Poland become independent, and to support them in achieving stability, and social and economic integration. presents the current cost of living and subsistence in selected cities and towns in Poland, as well as housing and employment opportunities in a given location.

A disease-ridden, bug-infested swamp with bad water: what a place to found a colony! But there were advantages as well to what was chosen as the site of the first permanent English settlement in North America.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC") today announced a settlement with Microsoft Corporation ("Microsoft"), a multinational technology company headquartered in Redmond, Washington. Microsoft has agreed to remit $2,980,265.86 to settle its potential civil liability for 1,339 apparent violations of the Cuban Assets Control Regulations, the Iranian Transactions and Sanctions Regulations, the Syrian Sanctions Regulations, and the Ukraine-/Russia-Related Sanctions Regulations involving the exportation of services or software from the United States to comprehensively sanctioned jurisdictions and to Specially Designated Nationals or blocked persons. The settlement amount reflects OFAC's determination that Microsoft's conduct was non-egregious and voluntarily self-disclosed.

The Department will not consider settlements where the only reason is your inability to pay. In such cases, you should contact the Department's Compliance Division about a payment plan or other resolution based on financial hardship. Contact the local office nearest your business.

The ARHD will acknowledge receipt of your offer. Your review will continue with the TRO while your offer is evaluated. We have a settlement track to evaluate offers. If your offer is referred to the settlement track, we will contact you and discuss your offer. If it is not referred to the settlement track, we will inform you of this decision.

The 10 Wisconsin Republicans who posed as electors for President Donald Trump in 2020 even though he had lost the election settled a lawsuit against them Wednesday, acknowledging their actions were part of an effort to overturn the election results.

Wisconsin was one of several swing states in which groups of Republicans cast false electoral votes for Trump and sent them to Congress. The electors in two other states are facing criminal charges for their actions. The settlement marks the first time false electors in any state have revoked their filings and said they will not repeat their actions.

While the 10 Republican electors agreed to settle the claims against them, the case continues against two attorneys who played a crucial role in the scheme. Jim Troupis, a former Dane County judge who served as legal counsel for the Trump campaign, and Kenneth Cheseboro, who urged the Wisconsin Republicans to undertake the plan in a November 2020 memo and is facing criminal charges in Georgia for the false electoral votes cast in that state, are set to face a civil trial next year. 2351a5e196

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