Fixing a Clogged Toilet

Clogged toilets are one of the most plumbing issues that households encounter. This problem scares most homeowners thinking about how such a problem will turn out and what could be its aftermath. Nobody likes to deal with waste, so when a toilet clogs up, everyone gets fearful for the worst.

When this situation happens, the first thing every homeowner must do is identify the cause of the clogged toilet to determine how to unclog it. If the problem seems to be worse than expected, it may require the equipment and services of a professional plumbing service provider. But if the problem is bearable, you may do some things that can unclog the toilet.

But before you start working on unclogging the toilet, make sure to use protective gear and wear rubber gloves and safety goggles to protect yourself from harmful substances and germs from human wastes.

Then proceed to identify the cause of clogging. Although some people may not want to do it, the best thing to determine the cause is to look at the toilet or inspect manually using your hands with a glove.

Sometimes, clogged toilets are commonly caused by simple and small objects like toys, washcloths, or stuffed animals and other solid objects that can be trapped in the toilet. If you see such objects, pull them out and flush down the water and observe if the water flow is fine. However, if the water still goes out slowly or backs p, there could be another blockage that causes the toilet to clog.

If such a thing happens, you would need to use a plunger. Placing the plunger at the bottom of the bowl and pushing it down hard forces the increase in water pressure that dislodges the clog so the water can flow freely. Often, it would take several times before the clogged toilet works again.

In case these simple tricks won’t help you unclog your toilet and the problem left unstopped, you will have to call a professional plumber as they have the proper knowledge and equipment necessary for unclogging the toilet.

It is important to reach out to a trusted and reliable plumbing service company. One of them is Plumbing Professionals who are experts in clogged toilet repair. They will handle your toilet problems with expertise and can provide you long-lasting results.