Sergio Mallo's 


About Me!

My name is Sergio Mallo.  I am in the class of 2023 at the New York Harbor School in the Marine Biology Research Program (MBRP). I am pursuing a career in Marine Sciences or Zoology.  I am a part of the Young People's Chorus (YPC) of NYC and I have sung with them since 2017. I have had numerous accomplishments with them, like singing at the Rockefeller Tree lighting ceremony of 2021. My Myers Briggs Personality results are ENTP- T, which means I am Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, and Perceiving. The "-T"  means I am a Turbulent Debater. I agree with this, as I can get very passionate about my work. 

Some strengths I have are:

Some Weaknesses I have :

This is me singing on the YPC tour in the summer of 2022 which went through California. 

This is me and the Rockefeller tree lightning ceremony in 2021, I sang there with the YPC. 

This is me at the YPC camp in 2022, my last time!