The Pearl of Wisdom - Chapter 31


The Twenty Eight Arabic Alphabets in Man’s Body

Guru : God made Muhammad appear as a peacock. As Allah looked at the peacock with His Grace, the sweat that fell melting from the peacock, became the celestial beings of the seven skies.

Allah stared at the peacock and addressed it, “O Muhammad ! “

The peacock trembled and cried, “ O Allah, by Your look my whole body is being dismantled and falling off separately, piece by piece.”

Allah replied, “ O My Muhammad, I intend to create man through you.” He gazed at the peacock and said, “Look at Me !”

Thirty-one pieces dismantled themselves from the peacock and separated themselves to stand individually. As Allah continued to gaze with His Eye of Grace, they became thirty-one alphabetical letters. Three of the thirty-one letters stood separate. They were "Alif", "Laam" and "Meem". The remaining twenty-eight letters stood apart.

The peacock Muhammad questioned, “ O Allah! Why are three of my thirty-one letters standing separately?”

Allah said, “ O Muhammad ! These letters are Alif, Laam and Meem. Alif is the ever-existing indestructible Me. Laam is Aathi Muhammad, the ownership of all human beings. Meem is you, Muhammad. The two of you will shine as my two eyes. I shall be the Gnostic eye within the fore-head. I shall ever shine as the invisible first Moon, that is seen by none. O Muhammad ! You will appear as the second-day Moon. You will appear brighter than I and will exhibit Me. Some will know you, while many will not. Aatham will appear as the third-day Moon and will be seen by all lives in the world. But O Muhammad, WE, the three letters will ever exist and the two of you will always be with Me. I am about to create man with the twenty-eight alphabets that stand separate. I shall create Aatham ( Sivam).

Saying so, He created Aatham with the twenty-eight letters and assembled each letter in its place in man’s body.

The alphabets cried out,” O Allah You are separating us away from You and keeping us inside man’s body, section by section. How can we exist away from You ?” Allah replied,” I am going to create Aatham. I shall be in his fore-head.Muhammad will be in the bridge of the nose. I shall be in the fore-head and will be called Allah- Alif. Laam will be called Aathi Muhammad and will reside in the bridge of the nose and at the base of the throat. Aatham ( Roohu) will be the Father of all creations. In order to expand the world, I shall create Hawwa ( Eeaswari) from within Aatham. Hawwa will be the Noon – the eye. I shall enrich you in twenty-five spots in man’s body, one separate from the other. Excluding Me, I shall make you twenty-seven little stars that will shine on earth. Of the twenty-eight letters, I shall be in the fore-head. Aathi Muhammad will be in the brain. Muhammad will be in the bridge of the nose. Aathi ( Roohu) will be in all lives.”

On hearing this, the twenty-five letters asked, “ O Allah, where will You Three be ?”further Allah replied, “ We will be in both worlds, shunting to and fro. Those who see Us in the other world will be very rare. If they can see Us with clarity, they will discover Us, being there as well as here. If they so see Us, We shall not depart and will always stay with them. Excluding Me, the twenty-seven letters that are you, will shine as twenty-seven little stars. You will be acclaimed in the world.”

The alphabets further questioned, “ O Allah, will man know that although we are little stars, we are mingled with man’s body?”

Allah replied, “ To make this known, I have created Aatham in the fore-head and the Pearl called Muhammad is embedded in it. By the glow of that Pearl, I will be seen and so will all substances be seen by man.”

Allah created Aatham and inside Aatham He created Hawwa. Within Hawwa, He created the prophets whose sacred names are Nuhu, Ibrahim, Ishmael, Moosa, Dawood, esa and Muhammad (sal). Having created the messengers and made them prophets, Allah created Muhammad (sal), and through him sent six thousand, six hundres and sixty-six sacred magical ayaths (verses of the Holy Quran).

He instructed Muhammad (sal) about the past glories of the existence of the stars, the twenty-eight Arabic letters that have been born as Aatham’s children, about their bodies and the little stars that shine in the world. Muhammad (sal) was shownAllah’s powers. He was shown the human body with the formation of the Arabic letters and the loftiness of these alphabets. Muhammad (sal) was shown the characteristics of man’s body and his greatenss. Allah further told the twenty-eight alphabets, “I shall shine as the ever-brilliant and never-hidden, brightest star of all, and you, the twenty-eight letters will exist as little stars. Excluding Me, you will be twenty-seven little stars. I shall divide you into twelve Rasis (zodiac signs ) and you will exist as twelve celestial beings that govern the twelve openings in man. Of these openings, nine will be impure and the others will appear pure and capable of seeing Me. For the clarification of people and all other lives, We Three will appear as Three Moons.

Aatham is the New Moon. Muhammad is the Full Moon and I am the First Moon. You, the twenty-five alphabets are within Us. Those who see Us will control you. You will control those who do not know Us. Our secret is your secret. I shall make the infant Muhammad aware of the secret of all creations.”

The Twenty-Eight Arabic Letters

Allah further told the twenty-eight alphabets, “ I shall shine as the ever-brilliant and never hidden star of all. It is with these letters and Me that you exist as the twenty-eight letters. Excluding Me, you are twenty-seven little stars.”