Serendib Sufi Study Circle

Teachings of His Holiness Sheikh Muhammad Raheem Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Rad)


In the Name of Allah, Most Merciful, Most Compassionate

Sage of sages

Sage of sages

Sage for all ages

Guide for all stages

Toiling without wages

His discourses fill many pages

To worship Allah alone he urges

In wise conversation he engages

Songs of Divine Love he composes

To lead a pious life he encourages

To help those in distress he emerges

He is like the one who taught Moses

His Love for Allah is very contagious

His fragrance is that of jasmine and roses

In the Ocean of Allah's Love he submerges

With his children loving glances he exchanges

He is Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Rad) Sage of all Sages

Composed by Khwaja Muhiyaddin Abdul-Cader on 21 Nov 2013 / 17 Muharram 1435

"My precious children, please bear with me when I plead with you, you who are like those whom I have given birth to, born of me, to such of you, I gift this Knowledge of Truth, which is, that your belief, that Trust in the Almighty, is your Power and your Strength, your Purity and the Perfection of your Soul. These will determine the destiny of your Soul and ensure the victory of your existence, victory of Perfection and Purity, the victory of Unity, when you attain that conviction that all other lives are like your own life."

His Holiness Sheikh Muhammad Raheem Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Rad)

Colombo, 28th April 1981.

The Serendib Sufi Study Circle (founded in 1967) is dedicated to learning, practising and propagating the teachings of His Holiness M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Rad).

Sheikh M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (Rad) was a revered Sufi Saint, first found meditating in the jungles of Kataragama in Sri Lanka (Ceylon) in the early 1900s. His Holiness has spent his life tirelessly serving humanity until his demise in December 1986.

Regular weekly meetings are held every Sunday at 10 AM at the Serendib Sufi Study Circle, 31, W.A.D. Ramanayake Mawatha, Colombo 2, where the teachings of Sheikh M.R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen are discussed. All are welcome to attend!

Note: The last Sunday of each month, the meeting and zikr are held after Asr prayers.