Flooring contractor in Los Angeles Ca

When You Should Go For Hardwood Refinishing?

hardwood floors in Los Angeles

flooring contractors in Los Angeles

Hardwood flooring remains the popular choice of the people for its beauty and durability. It does not require much maintenance and can last for many years. However, sometimes it shows signs of wearing out. Over time, it becomes less lustrous and it is the time to refinish your hardwood flooring. Here are some signs that indicate the flooring requires refinishing:


Scratches are the primary sign that indicates the needs of refinishing. Small scratches are not very big issues but deep scratches are a major area of concern. It is always better to apply a stain on the scratches to prevent water seeping in the hardwood flooring.

● Boards turning grey

Water absorbed by the planks can turn the color into grey. It is a major sign that the flooring needs refinishing or repairing. This can be even caused due to the cleaning products that are used on a regular basis. At this time, if you do not repair the floor it turns black, and eventually, you need to replace the hardwood flooring.

● Discolored planks

The sunlight is a major factor that can cause great harm to your flooring. The UV rays discolor the planks and make them unhealthy. Refinishing or sanding the floor can remove the top layer and then you will be able to put a new stain.

Failing of water test

You can do a quick water test to determine whether the flooring is in good condition or you need to refinish the hardwood flooring. You can simply spill some water on the floor. If the floor forms droplets then the flooring is in good condition. However, if you see that the water is being absorbed by the planks then it is a sign that you need refinishing.

Overall, these are signs that indicate you should refinish your hardwood flooring to avoid damages in the future. Sequoia Flooring is one of the most reliable companies for hardwood floors in Los Angeles. What are you waiting for? Contact us now to refinish your wood floors.