S. Joseph Shin

Assistant Professor

Milgard School of Business, University of Washington Tacoma


Seowon Joseph Shin is an assistant professor in Management at Milgard School of Business, University of Washington Tacoma. The focus of his research is on the nexus of strategy and entrepreneurship. Joseph's research aims to enhance scholarly knowledge about the growth and scaling of high-growth nascent ventures in technology-based industries known as unicorn ventures. A unicorn venture is a private firm valued at more than one billion dollars. Using an extensive and novel longitudinal dataset and robust identification strategy, Joseph attempts to better understand the antecedents and consequences of ventures' high growth and fast-paced scaling.

Before his academic life, Joseph was a serial/international entrepreneur, strategy consultant, and researcher. He co-founded a technology venture firm in Seoul, Korea, then expanded into the US market, starting from San Francisco. Joseph formerly was a research analyst at BCG and visiting researcher at Haas School of Business, University of California, Berkeley. He received Ph.D. in Management from the Foster School of Business, University of Washington.

For more information, please contact seowon(at)uw.edu