PIXEL SEO SERVICE, SEO Company in USA, Best SEO EXPERT and link building

third is content depth search engines are made up of computer programs so they can't actually read . understand text like you . i would nevertheless google has poured billions of dollars into http://pixelseoservices.info/ sophisticated technology that understands content to a certain degree but it's your job as a content creator to provide context about. the subject for example if you look at. the top ranking pages for. the quarry how to drive a car you'll find that they talk about things like fastening your seatbelt familiarizing yourself with. the gas . brake pedals adjusting your seat . mirrors . other things that a first time driver may not know basically you want to be able to answer. the search's quarry. the best that you possibly can . naturally it should lead to content that has depth now it's important to note that depth doesn't always translate to length for example a topic like how to turn off iphone 12 doesn't need to . shouldn't be long in fact. the top ranking page is only 185 words but. the content itself solves. the user's query from start to finish alright so. the basics are in. the book . it's time to move on to. the keyword research module hey it's amo . welcome to. the first module which is on keyword research in this first lesson we're going to talk about what keywords are . how to choose them using a simple four point checklist let's get started so what are keywords in. the context of seo they're simply just words . phrases that people type into search engines to find what they're looking for for example if you are shopping for running shoes you might search for keywords like men's running shoes or simply just running shoes now keywords are actually super important in seo because it sets. the entire foundation for search engine optimization. the basic goal of seo is to rank your pages for keywords that your target audience or customers are searching for . if you're not ranking for keywords that actually get searched then your seo efforts are kind of meaningless for example we rank number one for. the query seo checklist . this keyword is responsible for driving around 1500 monthly visitors from google . that's just in. the us so keyword research is. the process of finding keywords that people are inputting into search engines . we'll get into this process in. the upcoming lessons so how do you actually choose keywords that are worth targeting let's run through a checklist that should help you choose keywords effectively. the first thing to check is if your keyword has search demand search demand represents. the volume of monthly searches made for a keyword . this is measurable with a keyword metric that we call search volume you can find. the search volume for a keyword by using a keyword research tool like ahrefs keywords explorer for example. the query kilometers to miles gets searched around 478 000 times per month in. the us alone but as you can see here in hfs keywords explorer 80 of searches go without a click to a page . that's because google has a handy calculator right here that'll solve. the searcher's problem so search volume alone can actually be a bit misleading which is why it's worth looking at. the second checkpoint which is to check. the traffic potential of. the topic traffic potential represents. the total search traffic you could get if you were to rank at. the top of google for your keyword let's look at. the stats for our seo checklist page in hf site explorer so again we rank number one for. the query seo checklist . it sends us approximately 1500 monthly search visits from. the us but if we look at. the total global organic traffic to. the page you'll see that we get approximately 3 000 monthly visits from google every single month . that's because this page ranks for over 200 keywords . this page isn't an outlier in our study of three million keywords we found that on average. the top ranking page ranks for nearly a thousand other keywords in. the top ten so while you may be optimizing your pages for a main keyword your page will likely rank for hundreds or even thousands of other relevant keywords . because of that. the monthly search traffic potential of. the topic seo checklist is actually higher than its monthly search volume this is what makes traffic potential a much more reliable metric than search volume .