SEO Lancashire

Picking the best Agency for SEO Services in Lancashire

Picking the right Agency to take care of your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) in Lancashire is not just about selecting a company or a freelancer on fiver that claims they know about keywords and backlinks!

It is estimated there are somewhere in the region of 200 to 400 factors that Google uses to determine search ranking results. A professional SEO Agency will be able to address all the areas that affect a website, whereas a small agency or freelancer won’t have the ability.

SEO agencies have access to the full range of SEO tools from the industry leaders such as Moz, SEMrush, a-hrefs, Majestic SEO and many more, allowing them to formulate the perfect strategy for your business goals.

The full range of Website SEO services should cover On-Page, Off-Page and Technical issues.

On-Page SEO involves the improvement of page content to make it more relevant to Search Engines such as Google and Bing. Part of this service should include keyword research to target the right keywords, updating page content utilising long-tail keywords and META Titles and Descriptions to include relevant keywords.

Off-Page SEO involves tasks to improve the visibility of your website by getting links back to your website. Each link counts as a vote of trust for your website, but not all votes are created equal and some may even harm your website in the eyes of the Search Engines. A good SEO Agency should know the difference between a good and bad link.

Technical SEO covers issues that the website might have that prevent Search Engine spiders and bots from correctly crawling your website and its subsequent ability to fully index all the content. A top agency will have developers on hand that also understand how SEO works so that they can fix these issues.

There are also other areas that the best agencies in Lancashire should look at including sharing your new content on Social Media sites and/or issuing Press Releases. Having an in-house team of developers will ensure that the agency will be able to address issues with website speed because this is an area that has become more important in 2021.

Finally, you should pick an agency that can also address Conversion Optimisation and UX design to ensure your customers can find your products and services quickly and either make a purchase or get in touch as easily as possible.

Piranha Digital have a team of skilled SEO experts with almost 30 years of proven, results-driven success assisting businesses of all sizes to use organic growth on Google & Bing to boost their sales, revenue and leads.