Discussing The Consistent Changes In SEO Services Over The Years!

There have been constant changes in search engine optimization services. The reasons are numerous. Know why and how these changes took place over the years.

Search Engine Optimization agencies in Kolkata often state the fact that there has been a constant change in the algorithm of SEO. Let’s know more about the changes:

You Don’t Need To Stuff Keywords Anymore:

  • In the primitive SEO forms, webmasters would often stuff their keywords into their website pages to get them on top of the search results. They would often utilize black-hat keyword stuffing techniques.

  • These may include hiding the keywords within invisible text or inside the code of the website. Eventually, Google caught on to this and made adjustments in their algorithm.

  • With these changes in the algorithm of Google, these websites using black hat SEO techniques went down in Google rankings.

  • Since then, Google prioritizes sites that use organic and proper keyword placement in the contents.

Quality Content Overy Quantity Content:

  • Along with the transition of using keywords, there also came a transition in how the SEO service agencies in Kolkata wrote content.

  • Previously, agencies would focus on writing in huge quantities regardless of the quality of the work. There were a number of grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and so on.

  • However, now the focus is different as Google prioritizes knowledgeable and well-written content. Hence, for ranking in Google with keywords, SEOs now have to focus on writing high-quality content that organically incorporates keywords and informs the audience.

Smartphone Priorities:

  • Previously, desktops and laptops were good considerations for a top-quality SEO service. Nowadays, people search more from their smartphones as they are easily accessible.

  • In the coming time, more websites are relying on mobiles and smartphones to incorporate this change in how users search. Additionally, with services like mobile-first indexing, Google optimizes the indexing and version of the mobile version for your site. Moreover, it makes the optimization of Google on your device.

Prioritizing Local SEO:

  • One of the biggest changes in SEO services is the focus on local SEO. With time, local searches have become common and very specific.

  • With the aim to promote small and large businesses on local levels, Google makes local SEO a priority. Google My Business enables local industries to create a profile with the aim to rank among the local searches.

  • Along with the growth in local search, additional opportunities for keyword optimization have also been rising. Now, SEOs can make use of content to rank for location-specific keywords. Furthermore, it helps to easily reach their target audience.


In order to obtain the best digital marketing services, contact AGTS India. They are the best Search Engine Optimization Agency in Kolkata. Head over to them to promote your business on popular social media platforms. To know more about them, visit their website today.