Best SEO expert in Bangladesh


Looking for the Best SEO Expert in Bangladesh? Our team has 10+ years of experience and offers a range of services including web design, development, SEO (local, national, international), e-commerce, digital advertising, social media marketing & management, email outreach, and website strategy. We help improve brand loyalty, boost revenue, and engage customers. Contact us for measurable results and customized SEO solutions. Get SEO Service from Certified SEO Expert.

Our Services

Website SEO Optimization Service

International SEO

Best SEO Service in Bangladesh

Local SEO Optimization

Local SEO

Best Local SEO Service in Bangladesh

E-Commerce SEO Optimization

E-Commerce SEO

Best E-commerce SEO Service in Bangladesh


How our SEO agency can easily lead you to success?

If you're looking to boost your online presence and drive more traffic to your website, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is essential. However, SEO can be a complex and time-consuming process, which is why many businesses turn to SEO agencies to help them achieve their goals. Here are some ways in which our SEO agency can lead you to success:

In conclusion, if you want to achieve SEO success, partnering with our SEO agency can be an excellent investment for your business. With our expertise, customized strategies, continuous monitoring, increased visibility and traffic, and measurable results, we can help take your online presence to the next level.

White Hat Best SEO Service Provider Company in Bangladesh

Generating leads is crucial for businesses to thrive. Nowadays, when people see a TV or radio ad, they immediately reach for their smartphones and search for the nearest location that carries the product they're interested in. To ensure that your business appears at the top of search results, proper keyword search and optimization is essential.

Our SEO agency specializes in conducting in-depth keyword analysis that often uncovers hidden gold mines for our clients. We identify not only the most popular keywords but also keywords related to competitors, accessories, and adjunct services that a business may not have considered targeting. By ranking for these keywords, businesses can attract more customers and increase their revenue.

If you're ready to upgrade your business and take it to the next level, reach out to us at In addition to SEO, we offer a range of services such as improving brand loyalty by managing disgruntled employee or negative customer reviews, copywriting, product launching, sales letter and video sales letter creation, online marketing, web development, web design, UI design, graphic design, YouTube video creation, and many other ancillary services.

We pride ourselves on delivering friendly, professional, and educational services to our clients. So, whether you need guidance or want us to manage the entire process for you, don't hesitate to call or email us. We'll respond quickly and help steer you in the right direction towards success.

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All the strategies needed to improve your business will be implemented. If you are not satisfied, we will resolve your concerns, solve all possible problems, even after that you are not satisfied, we will let you go on your way. However, we do not think you will have any problems after taking our service. To date, each of our clients has been satisfied.


A reliable and available account manager is assigned to each client. A dedicated team always ready to help you in your business. You will always be treated with friendliness.

Work Clarity

We guarantee that you will always know what we are doing, you will be informed of every step, a clean and transparent database will tell you what happens and how we are moving your business forward, and if you have any confusion. Ask us questions we are always present to give you detailed explanation.


We guarantee one hundred percent you will see improvement through our SEO strategy and targeted Marketing strategy, which is important to the success of your business.

Friendly Communication

Friendly Communication

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Work Clarity

1 star review


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Success Results

Discover Our Comprehensive SEO Services Provided by Top SEO Experts in Bangladesh

SEO Audits:

We would like to take a detailed analysis of your website before we begin and would like to see what you are already doing. The key to a successful SEO strategy is to make sure everything is done in the right environment and code.

We conduct an Audit series that monitors your local Google ranking, directory consistency, website structure, on-page SEO optimization, and off-page SEO optimization signals.

Based on all this data we get a full understanding of your business and competitive landscape strategy based on and then create a plan that will help you win over the competitors.

SEO Strategy's:

we understand the importance of measurable results. If you don’t see and feel an ROI, then it wasn’t truly an investment…it was a gamble. Hiring an organization with strong resources can make all the difference when it comes to your desired results.

We allied with a private group (think of it as a Mastermind group) of the absolute best SEO experts in Bangladesh.

Collectively we monitor thousands of sites, thousands of links, and keywords as almost every fiction. This gives us an overwhelming advantage of being able to continually monitor search engine results 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and get notified as soon as the slightest algorithm change is taking effect. Google made approximately 500-600 changes to their algorithm in 2013. + number is on the rise.

Local business owners are looking to get customers. Many large and small companies offer cookie-cutting solutions that are simply not effective. So what will the business owner do? Their potential customers are actively searching for their services or products using specific customer intent search phrases.

We help by leveling the playing field thus allowing the business owner to dominate his or her market segment. Contact us to learn how we can help your phone ring with targeted customers. Those who are ready to buy your advanced products and services.

Business owners want the number one concern to be able to easily find fresh new customers and get phone calls from buyers to search for the products and services they provide. Our best SEO experts can help in this regard.

Everything else comes second, as it drives any business.

Your prospects are no longer looking for Yellow Pages.

Search engine marketing is no longer the way it used to be. Google is increasingly refining their search engine algorithms by using techniques such as artificial intelligence. Many of the normal SEO’s just do a couple of on-page optimizations and call it quits.

Partner with Top SEO Expert in Bangladesh who have the knowledge and expertise to give your business that special advantage you desire.

*Note: Each business will qualify for traditional type search engine ranking services, dependent on the particular niches customer value and relevant keywords. Contact us to find out.

On Page SEO:

On-page SEO (also known as on-site SEO) refers to the practice of optimizing web pages to improve a website's search engine ranking and gain organic traffic.

On-page, SEO is the process of making sure everything we can control ON your website for optimization. This includes content optimization, SEO environment creation, technical SEO optimization, and even website structure Optimization.

On-page SEO requires work and maintenance. You need to constantly optimize your site to make sure it is running effectively. Every time you add a new page or content to your site it needs to be optimized for SEO.

You can invest in on-page SEO services to help optimize your page. Many factors affect how Google ranks your page and can be difficult to manage. With on-site SEO services, you can hire best SEO expert to manage your SEO Strategy or campaign for you.

A great way to make sure you've optimized your site properly. An SEO company will learn how to apply the right latest SEO strategy, keywords, and optimize your page to include those keywords for ranking. They will help you create quality content, fix errors on your site, and speed up your page or site.

On-Site SEO covers a lot of topics but an on-page SEO will help you to optimize site content and drive your site to the top. This is a great investment for your business if you want to gain more valuable traffic that can convert your business into sales to grow your business.

Off Page SEO:

Our Off-page SEO services: 100% authentic and spam free.

Off-page SEO takes a very specific kind of skill to perform properly. Off-page SEO is the process of ensuring that other relevant / trusted / authoritative websites in your industry link to you.

Google prefers a vote of confidence in seeing other websites linked to you. Almost like personal suggestions from one site to another. We position your website to get links from other trusted sites - and this helps you rank higher in search engines.

When you choose our SEO agency's off-site SEO services, you eliminate the concern and risk with agencies that use black-hat and spammy strategies to attract links to your website. Instead, you can relax and learn that you are improving your off-page SEO through respectable, white-hat practice.

If you’re looking for off-page SEO services that follow the Google Latest rules, you've found match with us

Our off-site SEO services use reputable and industry-recommended practices to attract natural and high-value links to your website. These links do more than just create your backlink profile. They also help your company connect with users who are interested in your business, products and services.

Learn more about what is included in our off-page SEO services:


Use our off-site best SEO services to benefit from our extensive network of outreach experts. Regardless of your industry, product, or service, our team can get your company (and content) from reputable bloggers, journalists, and more.

Earned Media

Get full access to the expertise of our earned media experts, including links and key content created to attract social media shares. Our award-winning best SEO expert team can create blog posts, infographics, online guides, and more... for your website.

Content Promotion

Make the content viral by offering our content promotions and earning valuable links from trusted websites. From advertising campaigns to individual campaigns, our team will take care of the entire promotional process.

Industry Networking

Get the best possible return from SEO with industry networking. Our dedicated earnings media team will build lasting relationships with trusted bloggers, journalists and many more to make coverage and links accurate and attractive.

Link analysis

Get a complete link analysis from our experienced best SEO experts. Get insights on how our expert team will improve your backlink profile and rankings in search results on Google, Bing and more search engines.

Link Disavow

Take action against irrelevant or spammy links to your site with our off-page SEO services. Our SEO expert team will reject irrelevant links from your website to create a natural backlink profile.

Technical SEO:

We will review your website’s current platform structure or environment. Find out issues and solve them with a Necessary program and generate as much organic search traffic as possible.

We can help you identify common SEO issues

A successful SEO strategy starts with a technically sound website. You can write good content and craft perfectly optimized meta tags, but your chances of ranking are lower if search engines can't crawl all your pages, create indexes on your site content, or figure out how to match them all. Our SEO team is experienced in identifying all the technical issues that may stand in the way of success.

The most common technical SEO issues we face are:

Website Program: Web technology has advanced a lot over the last decade. Many new features can be applied to enhance the user experience. However, some programs create problems with search engine optimization.

Internal Backlinks and site navigation: It’s also critical to use a logical Crawl structure that ensures that website visitors and search engines are able to Crawl all of your important pages.

Page loading speed Optimization: One of the 200+ factors that influence search engine algorithm is how fast your web pages loading in a visitors browser. Its increases user intent also very important to review all pages elements and find opportunities to reduce load time so all web pages will load as fast as possible.

XML sitemap Setup & Submit: One of the most effective ways to quickly index your new web pages in search engines is to create and manage an XML sitemap.

Benefits of hiring best SEO expert in Bangladesh

Best SEO Expert quality services will rank your commercial keywords to make your investment profitable over 100% + by ranking for keywords that make buyers eager to buy their products every day

Why take service from Our Best SEO Expert in Bangladesh?

To transform your business into success you need an SEO company that specializes in Online Marketing.

Are you targeting a part of the city/state, or a country based audience, or going for an international audience?

No matter where your target market audience is, our SEO strategies are implemented to find them and bring them into your business.

Getting this month with an Expert digital SEO agency campaign will send you off in the right direction to get your phone ringing with targeted customers and more sales, we help to grow your business & skyrocket your sales.

When you are ready to choose Our best SEO expert Service in BD for your Business to take to the next level, here’s what you can expect from Us:

Top SEO Expert in BD Kowser Shaki

Kowser Shaki: The Best SEO Expert in BD and the Top SEO Specialist in Bangladesh

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial element for any website to rank higher in search engine results. It is an ongoing process that requires constant attention and expertise. Kowser Shaki, a certified SEO expert in BD, is one such professional who has dedicated his career to helping businesses achieve their SEO goals. In this blog post, we will explore why Kowser Shaki is considered the best SEO expert in BD, the top SEO specialist in Bangladesh, and the go-to SEO consultant in Bangladesh.

Who is Kowser Shaki?

Kowser Shaki is a well-known name in the SEO industry in Bangladesh. He has been working as an SEO expert for more than 6 years and has helped numerous businesses improve their online presence. He has a strong background in digital marketing and has worked with various clients from different industries, including healthcare, e-commerce, and education. Kowser Shaki has a deep understanding of SEO techniques and stays updated with the latest trends and updates to deliver top-notch SEO services to his clients.

What Makes Kowser Shaki the Best SEO Expert in BD?

Kowser Shaki has a proven track record of delivering successful SEO campaigns for his clients. He uses white hat SEO techniques that comply with search engine guidelines to ensure that his clients' websites rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) and attract more organic traffic. Kowser Shaki has a thorough understanding of on-page and off-page optimization techniques and can create customized SEO strategies that meet his clients' specific needs.

Kowser Shaki has a customer-focused approach and believes in building long-term relationships with his clients. He listens to his clients' needs and concerns and creates SEO strategies that align with their business objectives. Kowser Shaki also provides regular reports to his clients, showing the progress of their SEO campaigns, and provides recommendations on how to improve their online presence further.

Kowser Shaki's SEO Services

Kowser Shaki offers a wide range of SEO services that cater to different businesses' needs. Some of his top services include:

Why Choose Kowser Shaki as Your SEO Consultant in Bangladesh?

Kowser Shaki is a reliable and professional SEO consultant in Bangladesh. He has the knowledge, skills, and expertise to help businesses achieve their SEO goals and improve their online presence. He offers customized SEO services that cater to different business needs, and his customer-focused approach ensures that his clients' needs are always met. Kowser Shaki uses white hat SEO techniques to ensure that his clients' websites comply with search engine guidelines and avoid any penalties.


In conclusion, Kowser Shaki is the best SEO expert in BD and the top SEO specialist in Bangladesh for a reason. With his expertise, experience, and customer-focused approach, he has helped numerous businesses achieve their SEO goals and improve their online presence. If you are looking for an SEO consultant in Bangladesh, Kowser Shaki is the go-to professional for customized and effective SEO services. Contact him today to see how he can help your business grow and succeed online. 



Q: How much does it cost to hire an SEO expert in BD?

Ans: We charge monthly for our SEO service and digital marketing services. However, the price depends a lot on what kind of business you target, what city or country you target, what kind of traffic you need, and how hard it would be to do it. and sometimes we offer a slightly higher rate so that you get better results, and become more competitive. Our SEO experts will help you succeed based on the work you need to do - our team needs many hours to do their job better. Contact us for more details.

Q: What kind of business do you work with?

Ans: We work with any organization around the world, such as: (Local, National, International). We help to develop any kind of business, we help to grow any business that provides value to people including an e-commerce website or something else, and we also serve content brands!

Q: Why will you choose us for the best SEO service in Bangladesh?

Ans: We always work to provide you with something that can improve the condition of your business. We like to have business relationships with people, we are very happy to work with different companies/people, we have been providing SEO services since 2016, every client is happy with our service, come on, you will be too.

Q: How long does SEO take To Rank?

Ans: Great question. search engine optimization (SEO) can take time to show results, SEO will never offer you an overnight ranking. Many SEO firms will tell you that it takes 4 to six months to begin seeing results. this is often usually accurate, but keep in mind that once you start seeing results and SEO results continue to grow over time.

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