
In this page, you can find a software copy of SentiProMo with the use case example and training data sets for the accepted paper:

Lüftenegger.E, Softic.S. SentiProMo: A Sentiment Analysis-enabled Social Business Process Modeling Tool. In: Del-Río-Ortega.A, Leopold.H, Santoro.S (eds). Business Process Management Workshops. BPM 2020. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Springer, Cham (To Appear in 2020)

SentiPromo Software:

SentiProMo Windows Software Download link


  • .NET Framework 4.6

  • .NET Core 3.1

Used data sets for training and testing the Sentiment Analysis Module (SAM):

SentiProMo first use manual


Download and unzip the application from the link above

Make sure the prerequisites are fullfilled

Start the SentiPromo.exe

Open Repository Manager

Go to "Project / BPMN Repository"

Import file to repository

Click on "Import" and choose in "data" folder one of two bpmn files (airport_boarding, airport_security)

Open file in SentiPromoTool

Double click on the list entry of the repo browser will open file in the SentiProMoTool.

SentiProMo Project Team: Dr. Selver Softic and Dr. Egon Lüftenegger

SentiProMo. Copyright. The authors: Dr. Selver Softic and Dr. Egon Lüftenegger