

Official ventures Registry of the Sensorica OVN


Sensors are also making their appearance in sports. We already see smart clothing, sending data about vital signs, performance, physiological parameters, etc.. We also see smart equipment like tennis rackets and hockey sticks, capable of sensing movement, acceleration, orientation, force, etc. These accessories will tell their users how to improve their performance. All this is part of quantified self movement. BUT a tennis racket loaded with sensors will not tell you anything if you don't have a model to make sense of the data! This is where smart people making sensors meet smart people understanding kinesiology in sports, like David Pearsall, to make smart sports equipment. 

This is yet another example of complex products that can only come into existence through collaboration, within our value network. Our goal is to harvest the open source soft- and hardware, use the open science created by people like David and his team, to create open source smart sports equipment. 

See Hockey stick path to market.

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