

Button-up digital privacy and security

Sensorica crossed paths with OPN during the November 22-24 gathering at the Sensorica lab. 

Pictures from the event




Parental consent use case in education: create a common standard, a common charter and illustrate a common counter practice. Connecting human practices and culture to digital technology and standards.

Breathing Games, a use case for digital privacy and security related to online medical services and medical devices. 

Building A Secured Discord Channel for IEEE Canada SBs

Network resource planning (NRP), application of digital receipts to digital credentials and access to resources.

Digital privacy and security consultancy for 3rd Sector in Quebec. 

Formally acknowledge 4th Sector in this effort. 

Deciding on main topics to collaborate on. 

Consolidating facilitation roles and agenda. 

Building virtual collaborative environment and adaptation to collaborative, stigmergic practices.


Planning a work session on Building A Secured Discord Channel for IEEE Canada SBs


If you are a xxx you should have access to  create ventures and contribute to existing ventures. Anyone has view access. 

Children online surveillance

Receipts applied to online collaborative platforms

OBNL consulting


If you are an affiliate you should have access to  create resources 



Jun 20 2024 - Meeting to discuss Sensorica's role in OPN: provide a controller for the 4th sector (a Custodian of NRP/ledger of events), provide the methodology of transparency (vs authority) to issue transportable credentials that can be used by open spaces around the world. 




VENTURES under this COMMUNITY follow the OPEN VALUE NETWORK model's governance. 

VENTURES are COLLABORATIVE, TRANSPARENT (anyone has access to the information that they produce) and OPEN (anyone can participate). They only produce things based on OPEN SOURCE technology. Ventures have a CUSTODIAN that represents them legally and acts as a trust for their tangible assets. Ventures can have multiple EXCHANGE FIRMS, which are commercial entities that move products and services developed by Ventures on the MARKET

EXCHANGE FIRMS oblige themselves by contract with the CUSTODIAN to share PROFIT with all contributors to Ventures, from which they commercialize PRODUCTS.


See the Governance page for network-level and venture-level governance and governance templates documents.