We are excited to announce that the next Sense To Synapse will be held on May 12th 2018 in the Carson Family Auditorium at the Rockefeller University in New York.

Four key note lectures will be given by:

Maria Neimark Geffen (University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia)

Alipasha Vaziri (The Rockefeller University, New York)

Nathaniel Sawtell (Columbia University, New York)

Jorge Golowasch (NJIT/Rutgers University, New Jersey)

and 8 short talks will be selected from the submitted abstracts and during a poster session participants will have the chance to present their work.

This is a unique opportunity for junior scientists to discuss their work in front of a small and expert audience!

We are looking forward to welcoming you at Sense To Synapse in New York, the organizers:

Jérémie Barral, Florian Berger, Ben Urban, Kanaka Rajan, and Christoph Kirst.

Background image by Dr. Zeeshan Ozair, Laboratory of Stem Cell Biology and Molecular Embryology, The Rockefeller University