West Coast America

After a journey of 10 hours 45 mins, you have arrived in LAX, Los Angeles International Airport.

After walking through the airport, you will go straight to Universal Studios.

8 hour 15 minute drive to the Grand Canyon. We'll stop in Las Vegas for a very quick lunch!

It's time to leave and next stop is San Diego to visit one of the best Zoos in the world! 8 hours 17 mins drive.

Look how close we are to Mexico! Can you see the border?

It's time to go again, so let's take a road trip along the coast to San Francisco.

Of course we have to visit and walk across the Golden Gate Bridge.

Time to hop on a boat to Alcatraz Island.

Finally, it's time to fly home! 13 hours 45 minutes.

When you get home, you might like to continue the American experience. Here are recipes for traditional American foods.

Which ones will you try?

This page was produced for 4th, 5th and 6th class Eyrecourt NS, Co. Galway for Day 1 of their Virtual School Tour Week ,15/06/2020.

Any queries or corrections should be directed to etreacy@eyrecourtns.ie.

or www.mstreacyloves2travel.com