Specialist Technology Providers


Humanware products include the Prodigi Connect 12 and the Braillenote Touch+

HumanWare Live Webinar Series

In this time of uncertainty where schools are closed and many people are working from home, we’re still here for you! We are very much committed to supporting all of you, this is why we will continue to provide ongoing support remotely through HumanWare Live Webinar Series.

You will find below the list of all the upcoming webinars as well as the links to watch again the past webinars.

If you have any questions or want to give us your feedback on HumanWare Live Webinar Series, please feel free to send an email to: communications@humanware.com


HumanWare Education Workshops

HumanWare Education Workshops are designed with the specific needs of teachers and their students in mind. Each workshop addresses a specific product application to use in a classroom environment, so attendees leave the workshop with skills that can be directly incorporated into a lesson plan. Workshops are interactive and suggestions are welcome, so if there is anything missing from our curriculum please let us know. We will do our best to accommodate requests to cover topics not included in this guide.



are best known for SuperNova speech and magnification software.

Other Technology