“Every next level of your life demands a different version of you.”

- Leonardo diCaprio

The purpose of this retreat is to build you into version 2.0 of you. Whether it`s becoming more present and mindful, gaining self-discipline and courage, or cultivating positive thoughts and emotions, you will learn the tools and techniques you need to take yourself and your life to the next level.


April or May 2023, tbd.


Granges-Aumontzey, France (click here for accomodation)


CHF 300 for food, accomodation, and transformational trainings


This is the essence of this program, where we dive into the philosophy and science behind human flourishing. You will learn advanced techniques to clarify your vision, master self-control, bulletproof your emotions and build certainty, confidence, and fulfillment.

By combining science-backed tools with the practical wisdom gained from 200+ interviews with the world`s greatest performers - anyone from Olympic champions to Fortune 1000 CEOs, FBI agents, and Buddhist monks - you will gain the skills you need to actualize your potential and become who you`re capable of being.

Deep Conversations

Radical transformation doesn`t have to be a lonely game, but is actually enhanced when like-minded individuals come together to support each other in their quest for greater aliveness. Through meaningful connections and unconditional support, we create an environment in which you feel comfortable expressing your true self unapologetically. We`re not interested in small talk, but life`s big questions that truly matter.


Science shows that working out every day (and why not do it twice a day!?) is one of the greatest mood boosters and performance enhancers available. It supercharges your memory and attention, raises your energy, and creates the neurochemistry (dopamine, serotonin, endorphins) underlying happiness and motivation. Get ready for gorgeous hikes, calming yoga, and refreshing swims!

Comfort Challenges

If we`ve met before, you know I`m all about seeking discomfort and pushing others to do the same. Psychological strength comes from deliberately facing fears, insecurities, doubts, and pain. The more you do that, the stronger you become. And life`s problems begin to shrink in size.

Meditation & Yoga

Awareness is the starting point of change. To eliminate negative thinking and install new habits of thinking, feeling, and acting, your ability to notice your moment-to-moment thoughts is absolutely crucial.

Embracing the Cold

In addition to its numerous health benefits, cold water is an excellent opportunity to strengthen your mind. You will learn to observe your self-talk in real time, notice your breaking point, and push it further every day.

Located less than 2 hours away from Basel in the forrests of France, this gorgeous farm offers peaceful nature, a swimming pool and sauna, and a calming atmosphere that facilitates transformation.