Along with all these, it offers one more fantastic feature: Headless Browser testing. Headless browser testing is nothing but running the Selenium tests on headless browsers. A headless browser is just like a real browser with no User Interface.

QAs often experience some challenges while automating a real browser through Selenium due to the slow rendering of the page and consuming screen time. Since headless browser Selenium is faster than typical browsers, you can bypass all the time taken to load the CSS. It is more significant in saving time while running many complex test cases involving multiple steps.

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Opting for headless or non-headless depends on the web application to be tested, the system on which testing would be performed, and the testing results expected from the execution. If your application demands user interaction visualization, then headless testing is a big NO. And if it requires faster execution and performance and system resources are a concern, then you should try headless browser testing. Headless Browser testing plays a major role when performance and time are crucial.

Chromium based browsers have now two different headless modes (the original one, and one with morecapabilities added in 2022). When a user sets headless to true via the convenience method in Selenium,it is using the initial method provided by Chromium based browsers.

The traditional --headless, and since version 96, Chrome has a new headless mode that allows users toget the full browser functionality (even run extensions). Between versions 96 to 108 it was--headless=chrome, after version 109 --headless=new.

In addition, the examples below can test Django Admin with headless Chrome, Selenium, pytest-django and Django. *My answer explains how to test Django Admin with multiple headless browsers(Chrome, Microsoft Edge and Firefox), Selenium, pytest-django and Django:

I'm using python-selenium and Chrome 59 and trying to automate a simple download sequence. When I launch the browser normally, the download works, but when I do so in headless mode, the download doesn't work.

For Chrome 109 and above, the --headless=new flag will now allow you to get the full functionality of Chrome in the new headless mode, and you can even run extensions in it. (For Chrome versions 96 through 108, use --headless=chrome)

Maybe the website that you handle returns different HTML pages for browsers, means the XPath or Id that you want maybe differently in headless browser.Try to download pageSource in headless browser and open it as HTML page to see the Id or XPath that you want.You can see this as c# example How to hide FirefoxDriver (using Selenium) without findElement function error in PhantomDriver? .

Usually it's redundant seeing the same thing just written in another language, but because this issue drove me crazy, I hope I'm saving someone else from the pain... so here's the C# version of Shawn Button's answer (tested with headless chrome=71.0.3578.98, chromedriver=2.45.615279, platform=Linux 4.9.125-linuxkit x86_64)):

Following is the equivalent in Java, selenium, chromedriver and chrome v 71.x. The code in is the key to allow saving of downloadsAdditional jars: com.fasterxml.jackson.core, com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation, com.fasterxml.jackson.databind

Headless Chromeis shipping in Chrome 59. It's a way to run the Chrome browser in a headless environment.Essentially, runningChrome without chrome! It brings all modern web platform features providedby Chromium and the Blink rendering engine to the command line.

A headless browser is a great tool for automated testing and server environments where youdon't need a visible UI shell. For example, you may want to run some tests againsta real web page, create a PDF of it, or just inspect how the browser renders an URL.

Running with --screenshot will produce a file named screenshot.png in thecurrent working directory. If you're looking for full page screenshots, thingsare a tad more involved. There's a great blogpost from David Schnurr that has you covered. Check outUsing headless Chrome as an automated screenshot tool.

When you run Chrome with --remote-debugging-port=9222, it starts an instancewith the DevTools protocol enabled. Theprotocol is used to communicate with Chrome and drive the headlessbrowser instance. It's also what tools like Sublime, VS Code, and Node use forremote debugging an application. #synergy

Puppeteer is a Node librarydeveloped by the Chrome team. It provides a high-level API to control headless(or full) Chrome. It's similar to other automated testing libraries like Phantomand NightmareJS, but it only works with the latest versions of Chrome.

Right now, Selenium opens a full instance of Chrome. In other words, it's anautomated solution but not completely headless. However, Selenium can beconfigured to run headless Chrome with a little work. I recommendRunning Selenium with Headless Chromeif you want thefull instructions on how to set things up yourself, but I've dropped in someexamples below to get you started.

What is Xvfb? Xvfb is an in-memory display server for Unix-like systems that enables youto run graphical applications (like Chrome) without an attached physical display.Many people use Xvfb to run earlier versions of Chrome to do "headless" testing.

Headless Chrome is similar to tools like PhantomJS. Bothcan be used for automated testing in a headless environment. The main differencebetween the two is that Phantom uses an older version of WebKit as its renderingengine while Headless Chrome uses the latest version of Blink.

I am wondering if anyone has had time to take a look at this. I am still experiencing the issue and have tried several methods to fix it, but have ended up only getting it to work quickly when I am in non-headless mode.

Headless browsers can barely deal with iframes. I have found that if your iframe contains an entire workflows html, the headless driver cannot distinguish between two elements on different "pages" with the same css, where as non headless can

And that's it! Now you get your tests running in the same way as before, but on an invisible Chrome window that is not going to disrupt your other windows. If you want to switch back to the regular mode, just comment out the options.add_argument('headless') line and you'll get a visible window that you can watch while the tests run.

@Jose: If PhantomJS works for you, then I would not switch. One thing I like with the Chrome driver is that you can switch between a visible window and headless very easily, so if I need to look at a test run I can with minimal effort.

Selenium has grown to be one of the most popular automation tools available today. It automates many tasks needed for online testing, including checking titles, navigating pages, clicking links, and much more. Many developers already use the full set of capabilities Selenium offers, but few know about running their tests in headless browsers. And even fewer actually deploy this approach in their daily testing. With headless testing you can increase your testing performance to an all-time high.

Running normal Selenium tests take up your screen time, keeping you from being able to accomplish anything else on that device. With the UI disabled, headless testing lets you continue to use your computer while the tests execute in the background.

Next, we create a ChromeOptions object which will allow us to set the location of the Chrome binary that we would like to use and also pass the headless argument. If you leave out the headless argument, you will see the browser window pop up and search for my name.

By adding the manual starting of the service, we saw the expected speed increases. The median time for the headless and headed browser to complete the tasks in the script decreased by 11% (4.72 seconds) and respectively 4% (5.29 seconds).

The release of headless Chrome has long been awaited. And with the announcement that the creator of PhantomJS is stepping down as a maintainer, we strongly believe that headless Chrome is the future of headless browsers.

I work as a tester in a company that wants to start CI/CD. The plan is to include UI-test automation tests in the CI/CD. We are currently evaluating Selenium WD and Cypress to be dockerised and used on a headless mode.

Can you elaborate more about why you want to run in headless mode ?

I can help you at below places:

1.Running selenium in docker container

2.Creating a docker image so you can run that inside a docker container.

3.Running the browsers in headless mode.

We want to run in headless mode because in a CI/CD server (e.g., Jenkins) there may not be a browser GUI plus we would like to run the UI automation tests faster (and running them headless could help in running faster)

Configuring Selenium to Run Headless, Without a DesktopThis is part 2 of my selenium exploration trying to fetch storiesfrom the NY Times ((as a subscriber).Part I:Selenium BasicsPart II: Running Headless on a Server (this article)Part III: Handling Errors and TimeoutsWhen we left off, I was learningthebasics of selenium in order to fetch stories (as a subscriber)from the New York Times. Fetching stories was working properly,and all that remained was to put it in an automated script, thenmove it to a server where it could run automatically without mydesktop machine needing to be on.Unfortunately, that turned out to be the hardest part of the problem.Installing Selenium and Firefox Without a DesktopThe problem is that you need to run a full browser (I was using Firefox)on a web or file server that doesn't have X or a desktop installed.If youd just apt install python3-selenium firefox-esr(or equivalent for your distro; firefox-esr is the Extended Support Release,the only Firefox package in the standard Debian repositories:it's a little more stable than cutting-edge Firefox, and changes less often)and allow the resulting 156 packages to be installed.But I prefer to keep servers as lean as possible, installingonly the packages I really need.It helps quite a bit to turn off recommended and suggested packages.apt install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggestspython3-selenium brings the number of new packages installeddown to 31.Or you can get Firefox from (the ESR release ishere).Of course, you'll still need those other dependencies, includingX11 (even though you won't be running an X server) plus libraries likeGTK; see below for that.You'll also need geckodriver, which Firefox needs to run headless.Ubuntu has a package firefox-geckodriver,but Debian doesn't -- even though installing selenium on Debian suggestsinstalling firefoxdriver, which turns out not to exist.If your server doesn't have geckodriver as a package, you can get itfrom Mozilla's's odd that it's only available from github, not anywhere on,given that Mozilla normally doesn't even use git (they use Mercurialas their version control system), but there you go.The tarballs from that github link extract into a single executable.I moved that executable into the directory where I'd installedFirefox, ~/firefox-esr,so I could add that directory to my PATH.Selenium lets you specify the path to the geckodriver executable,but then geckodriver won't be able to find Firefox unless it'ssomewhere in your PATH. Easiest to make sure they're both on the path.Set up a virtual X environmentAs mentioned earlier, you'll need the X server installed even thoughyou won't be running it interactively, plus some other libraries like GTK.For Firefox-ESR from and geckodriver from github,here's what I needed:apt install --no-install-recommends --no-install-suggests \ xvfb python3-xvfbwrapper libgtk-3-0 libdbus-glib-1-2This pulls in a total of 61 packages, 51 of which are related to libgtk-3.0.Test Firefox and Create a ProfileNow you theoretically have enough to run Mozilla. To make sure it runs,you need to be able to display X clients. The easiest way is tossh -X from another machine to your serveras the user you plan to use for selenium,and verify that Firefox runs and can create a new profile.localhost% ssh -X user@servernameservername% cd firefox-esrservername% ./firefox -pThe -p tells firefox to start the profile manager so you can create anew profile.I had originally intended to copy my selenium/NYT profile from mydesktop machine, but that didn't work because the Firefox versionswere too different.I named the new profile "selenium"; I wrote FeedMe's nyt-seleniumhelper to look for a profile that has "selenium" in its name.Once your new profile is created, you can run it from the profilemanager, or start firefox with firefox -P selenium.Now, assuming both firefox and geckodriver are in your PATH,you can run automated selenium scripts:from selenium import webdriverfrom selenium.webdriver.firefox.options import Optionsimport osfoxprofiledir = os.path.expanduser("~/.mozilla/firefox/random-string.selenium")options = Options()options.headless = Truedriver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=foxprofiledir, options=options)(This will still give theDeprecationWarning: firefox_profile has been deprecated, please passin a Service object mentioned in the previous article.)Put the Log File Somewhere SensibleOne more thing: the geckodriver creates a verbose log file calledgeckodriver.log containing all the warnings Firefox spewed duringits run, mostly hundreds of lines of JavaScript warnings frompoorly written scripts. It creates this log in the currentdirectory. If your selenium script runs from a directorythat's not writable by your user, the whole process will fail.So choose someplace you'd like the log to go, like/tmp/geckodriver.log if you don't have a better placefor it, and specify that when you create the webdriver:driver = webdriver.Firefox(firefox_profile=foxprofiledir, options=options, service_log_path=path_to_log_file)With that, your selenium script can run headless on a server.But there's one more piece: if the code is to run unattended, it needsto handle errors and timeouts. And that's an aspect of selenium thatdoesn't seem to work very well and isn't well documented, so I'veamassed a collection of hacky techniques to deal with it.I'll describe those in the next article. 2351a5e196

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