Digital Sketching : Perspective shapes

Using the digital sketching software, Procreate, perspective shapes that we learned how to sketch on paper was pushed a step higher in digital form. In Procreate, perspective shapes can be made easier than on paper, since canvas setting enables us with drawing assists which can help us sketch these shapes more neatly, and with more details. And so, naturally, I wanted to try some complex design that may not be so easy on paper with Procreate.

Sketching with Blue pencil

All sketches and rendering must start with the blue pencils. Without it we would be sketching lines without clue. This stage is very important, since it will be the base of all that comes after. On Procreate, this process can be done with ease, since the vanishing points can be seen with the canvas assists, as well as the fact that we can straighten our lines to make it look neat, which can not be done pretty well on paper without a ruler.

Fine lining

After finishing the initial sketching using the blue pencils, I used a Black pen to outline and trace over the sketch done with the blue pencil. This adds for an effect which separates the shape and background rather than having it flat on the surface. The use of thick and thin lines help with the perspective effect, as it shows us where the shape ends and disappears into the background where we cannot see. While the thick lines separates the shape, the thin line defines the shape of the object on a field of view where it is visible.


After fine lining, I used different textures to add variety to the shapes, which makes the shape look more realistic. This will also help to add more detail to each shape later on, when i add the shadows and highlights.

Shadows and Highlights

After adding the textures, i worked on adding the shadows and highlights, which i used to create a more 3 dimensional shape instead of it being flat on the background. The shadows and highlight allow the shapes to be more separated from the background, which further helps to create more realistic and 3 dimensional shapes.

Final Product :