Creative Assessment : Power tools for Pre-Prep


For research I took a bunch of power tools and tried to think of an animal that will fit as the animal for the power tool. The animals needed to have a noticeable feature that is similar to the power tool (long beaks, long necks etc.) And by combining noticeable features from both the power tool and animal, i was able to create a general idea of what the power tool was going to look like when adapted with animals and for pre-prep kids to be able to wield it.


For this stage, i took a bunch of different power tools (some aready toys) and sort out their features to brainstorm the plan for sketching the actual characters onto the tools. I used the previous research to figure out which animal goes best with which tool i picked.

Initial Sketching

Using the references from the research, i traced some of the tools to figure out which part of the tool goes with which part of the animal, after sketching the general idea of how the tool will look like, i started to fine line.

Fine lining

Rendering (adding colour)

At this stage, i added colours to the drawn concepts and decided their colour. However this process will only be carried on in this stage, and no further.

Redering (highlights and shadows)

After adding colours, I continued with the process of rendering by adding shadows and highlights. The use of shadows and highlights in rendering allows the object to gain more depth, and it gives the effect of the object being 3 dimensional

Development and Planning

Since i selected the "Dino-saw", i used procreate to develop the model, barnstorming which pieces to make specifically and to decide whether or not its made out of black or white foam (White foam - soft, for bigger parts, black foam - hard, for smaller detailed parts) After deciding the foam to use, and barnstorming the process, i moved on to create the model in real life.

Final Product :