TIE-13106 Project Work on Pervasive Systems

Investment Simulator


This is the webpage for the project Investment Simulator. The project is going to be implemented for Profit Software. The goal is to create a mobile app that gives support to the user to start investing. The main user group of this product are people who are interested in investing, but still have very little knowledge of the matter.


Front end: React Native + TypeScript

Back end: Node.js + Firebase/Firestore for user data service, Node.js + SQL (Postgres) and Redis for stock data

Group members

Heidi Vulli

E-mail: heidi.vulli@student.tut.fiResponsibilities: Product ownerPrevious experience: Minor in programming. Currently working at Profit Software.Specific fields of interest: Project management, front end


E-mail: joni.heikkila@student.tut.fiResponsibilities: Quality assurance leadPrevious experience: Minor in programming, some programming experience from workSpesific fields of interest: Project management, data algorithms, databases


E-mail: teemu.2.salminen@student.tut.fiResponsibilities: General planning, programmingPrevious experience: Major in Machine Learning and Data Engineering, most working experience with C++ and PythonSpesific fields of interest: Programming, mobile development


E-mail: samuli.koivisto (a) student tut fiResponsibilities: General planning, programming and UXPrevious experience: Major in Machine Learning and Data Engineering, Minor in User ExperienceSpesific fields of interest: Programming, UX


E-mail: carita.logren@student.tut.fiResponsibilities: Project ManagerPrevious experience: Several years of work experience from programming and web development projects, currently working as web developer and data scientist. Major in Software Engineering, minor in Data Engineering. Spesific fields of interest: Project management, software architecture, UI/UX design


E-mail: jami-petteri.kimpimaki (at) student.tut.fiResponsibilities: Planning, architecture design, programming, testingPrevious experience: Almost 2 years of work experience in software development. Currently working as design engineer / web developer. Minor in Software Engineering, major in Factory Automation and Industrial Informatics.Specific fields of interest: Software architecture, quality assurance, project management.

Toni Eikkula

E-mail: firstname.lastname@student.tut.fiResponsibilities: General planning, programming and database related tasks.Previous experience: Great knowledge of C++. Working experience with Qt and PostgreSQL.Spesific fields of interest: Interested in web and mobile development with emphasis on back end.

HOUR LOG (whole project)

Updated 3.2.2019

Burnup Chart

The newest burn-up chart is added to the top. The burn-up charts will be updated before and after each sprint to match the actual implemented points and the next planned sprint.

Before the sprint

After the sprint