For help with the Seek app, please email Seek is created by iNaturalist, and was originally released with support from the California Academy of Sciences, the National Geographic Society, Our Planet on Netflix, WWF, HHMI Tangled Bank Studios, and Visipedia.

Please excuse my confusion here but I have read the documentation regarding the seek() function in python (after having to use it) and although it helped me I am still a bit confused on the actual meaning of what it does, any explanations are much appreciated, thank you.

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Never forget that when managing files, there'll always be a position inside that file where you are currently working on. When just open, that position is the beginning of the file, but as you work with it, you may advance.

seek will be useful to you when you need to walk along that open file, just as a path you are traveling into.

When you open a file, the system points to the beginning of the file. Any read or write you do will happen from the beginning. A seek() operation moves that pointer to some other part of the file so you can read or write at that place.

For strings, forget about using WHENCE: use to position at beginning of file and to position at the end of file. Use open(file, "r+") to read/write anywhere in a file. If you use "a+" you'll only be able to write (append) at the end of the file regardless of where you position the cursor.

This method is implemented using up to three seek operations. If thismethod returns successfully, the seek position is unchanged (i.e. theposition before calling this method is the same as afterwards).However, if this method returns an error, the seek position isunspecified.

Drawing on the expertise of our lobbyists and the passion and commitment of our network of advocates, we meet both policymakers where they are and seek opportunities to work together where there is common ground.

Chevron Corporation (Chevron) believes that education is a critical pathway to achieving social equality and enabling human progress. By providing scholastic funding for education resources, Chevron seeks to help break down systemic barriers for black and brown children in early education. Chevron, together with the Techbridge Girls and NSBE, has a unique opportunity to create a summer camp geared to black and brown middle-school-age girls.

EVAWI created SEEK THEN SPEAK as a new pathway to justice for sexual assault survivors. To get started, go to or click on the graphic. If your agency is interested in offering this innovative tool, please contact us at

People who leave their countries are not always fleeing danger. They might believe they have a better chance of finding work in another country because they have the education or capital to seek opportunities elsewhere. Others might want to join relatives or friends who are already living abroad. Or they might seek to start or finish their education in another country. There are lots of different reasons for people to start a journey to build a life in a new country.

A refugee is a person who has fled their own country because they are at risk of serious human rights violations and persecution there. The risks to their safety and life were so great that they felt they had no choice but to leave and seek safety outside their country because their own government cannot or will not protect them from those dangers. Refugees have a right to international protection.

There is no internationally accepted legal definition of a migrant. Like most agencies and organizations, we at Amnesty International understand migrants to be people staying outside their country of origin, who are not asylum seekers or refugees.

We campaign for a world where human rights can be enjoyed by everyone, no matter what situation they are in. Amnesty has championed the human rights of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants for decades.

We campaign to make sure governments honour their shared responsibility to protect the rights of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants. We condemn any policies and practices that undermine the rights of people on the move.

The rights of migrants, refugees and asylum seekers are protected by international law, regardless of how and why they arrive in a country. They have the same rights as everyone else, plus special or specific protections including:

Boebert said in a Facebook video that she intends to seek office in Colorado's 4th Congressional District, which covers the Eastern Plains, currently represented by Republican U.S. Rep. Ken Buck. Buck said last month that he won't seek reelection in 2024, due to the Republican Party's support of former President Donald Trump and, what he called an embrace of conspiracy theories. He's represented the district since 2015.

It's unclear how many people will run for that seat in total, but Republicans Russ Andrews, Jeff Hurd and Curtis McCrackin announced their intent to challenge Boebert in the primary for the 3rd Congressional District. Democrats Anna Stout and Adam Withrow, along with Frisch, as well as three third-party candidates said they'll be seeking that seat too.

In 2022, Buck won reelection handily with over 60% of the vote. Boebert will face a crowded field in the primary election with six other Republican candidates having announced their intent to run. Whoever wins that bid will then face the winner of the Democratic primary; three people have announced their intent to seek the Democratic nomination.

Comparison of self-perceived need for help, social pressures to obtain help for substance use disorders (SUD) involving alcohol and/or marijuana, and help-seeking, by demographic and SUD characteristics, among 548 individuals who met criteria for SUD during the first three years of college.

Sets FILEHANDLE's position, just like the fseek(3) call of C stdio. FILEHANDLE may be an expression whose value gives the name of the filehandle. The values for WHENCE are 0 to set the new position in bytes to POSITION; 1 to set it to the current position plus POSITION; and 2 to set it to EOF plus POSITION, typically negative. For WHENCE you may use the constants SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, and SEEK_END (start of the file, current position, end of the file) from the Fcntl module. Returns 1 on success, false otherwise.

Note the emphasis on bytes: even if the filehandle has been set to operate on characters (for example using the :encoding(UTF-8) I/O layer), the seek, tell, and sysseek family of functions use byte offsets, not character offsets, because seeking to a character offset would be very slow in a UTF-8 file.

Due to the rules and rigors of ANSI C, on some systems you have to do a seek whenever you switch between reading and writing. Amongst other things, this may have the effect of calling stdio's clearerr(3). A WHENCE of 1 (SEEK_CUR) is useful for not moving the file position:

This is also useful for applications emulating tail -f. Once you hit EOF on your read and then sleep for a while, you (probably) have to stick in a dummy seek to reset things. The seek doesn't change the position, but it does clear the end-of-file condition on the handle, so that the next readline FILE makes Perl try again to read something. (We hope.)

The seek, test, treat, and retain model of care (STTR) involves reaching out to high risk, hard to reach drug abusing groups who have not been recently tested for HIV (seeking), engaging them in HIV testing (testing), initiating, monitoring, and maintaining HAART for those testing positive (treating) and retaining patients in care (retaining). This model of care is based on previous research demonstrating that expanding HIV testing and reducing viral load among HIV+ individuals through HAART therapy can be effective in reducing the HIV transmission at a population level.

Independent of its category, each concrete stream object will also havevarious capabilities: it can be read-only, write-only, or read-write. It canalso allow arbitrary random access (seeking forwards or backwards to anylocation), or only sequential access (for example in the case of a socket orpipe).

The BufferedIOBase ABC extends IOBase. It deals withbuffering on a raw binary stream (RawIOBase). Its subclasses,BufferedWriter, BufferedReader, and BufferedRWPairbuffer raw binary streams that are writable, readable, and both readable and writable,respectively. BufferedRandom provides a buffered interface to seekable streams.Another BufferedIOBase subclass, BytesIO, is a stream ofin-memory bytes.

The initial value of the buffer can be set by providing initial_value.If newline translation is enabled, newlines will be encoded as if bywrite(). The stream is positioned at the start of thebuffer which emulates opening an existing file in a w+ mode, making itready for an immediate write from the beginning or for a write thatwould overwrite the initial value. To emulate opening a file in an a+mode ready for appending, use, io.SEEK_END) to reposition thestream at the end of the buffer.

Text I/O over a binary storage (such as a file) is significantly slower thanbinary I/O over the same storage, because it requires conversions betweenunicode and binary data using a character codec. This can become noticeablehandling huge amounts of text data like large log files. Also,tell() and seek() are both quite slowdue to the reconstruction algorithm used.

In most cases, undergraduate students are assigned both a Faculty Advisor and a Professional Academic Advisor throughout their studies. These assignments are based on various factors, such as whether you are part of a designated special program or population; the number of units you have completed; your declared major or concentration; and whether your academic program, department, or school has a designated Program Coordinator and/or Professional Academic Advisor. The information we have included is not exhaustive, but rather a simple and approachable guide to assist you in identifying where to start when seeking academic advising. 2351a5e196

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