Call for Papers

Call for Papers

We welcome and encourage both theoretical and empirical contributions under the workshop theme. We are interested in positive and negative results, that are useful in identifying clear engineering challenges to guide new experiments and help develop principled understanding. We expect short but high impact observations, code, and data.

To reiterate: Core aim of the workshop is to provide a venue for researchers with different ways of thinking to communicate and collaborate. Therefore, submissions will be evaluated on their accessibility to experts at either side. For instance, a theoretical work may also include a proposal for a robust empirical verification. An engineering work may consist of several hypotheses that can be understood and studied by more theoretically inclined researchers. Submissions may also combine existing theoretical understandings of toy models with robust empirical verifications.

Submissions should be extended abstracts of no more than 3 pages (excluding references), which can include previously published work. We request and recommend that authors rely on the supplementary material only to include minor details that do not fit in the 3 pages. All submissions should be in pdf format, must use the NeurIPS 2019 template, and will be managed through CMT website. The review process is double-blind – therefore, abstracts should be appropriately anonymized. We will not be able to provide comments on the submissions; therefore, decisions will be binary. However, the post-workshop report will include an overview of selected submissions.

Accepted works will be presented as posters during the workshop and listed on this website. Additionally, a small number of abstracts will be selected to be presented as lightning talks during the workshop.

Dates (DD/MM/YYYY):

    • Submission deadline: 26.09.2019
    • Author notification: 01.10.2019
    • Workshop date: 14.12.2019

Some important questions and answers about the submissions:

Q: Can we submit a paper that will also be submitted to ICLR 2020?

A: Yes.

Q: Is it OK to submit a paper that was rejected from the NeurIPS main conference?

A: Yes.

Q: Will there be official archival proceedings?

A: No.