CSX vice-chairman Jong Weon Ha told The Post that as per the draft prakas, processes for Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) will not be significantly changed, but some requirements and conditions must be adjusted according to the different nature of the companies.

1. Be an entity primarily providing or comprised of direct health and human services, environmental services, historical preservation services and/or animal welfare services. An applying charity shall establish that these services represent fundamental and significant roles for the charity. The EPC and ED will confirm this prior to adding or retaining the charity on the list of participating organizations.

Secc 2011 Draft List Download Pdf

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The Government of India, co-ordinated by Ministry of Rural Development has initiated Socio-Economic and Caste Census 2011 (SECC 2011) in the Country. The Socio Economic Survey for identification of BPL families is done both in rural and urban areas. The information about caste and religion of the person will also be collected during this Census and this information, unlike other information of this Census, will not be made public and will be used by Registrar General of India for statistical purpose for socio-economic profiling of various castes in India.


Ā Financial and technical support is provided by Ministry of Rural Development and SECC, 2011 is being conducted by the State Administration under the guidance of Ministry of Rural Development. It is a paperless exercise in which data is captured on a hand held device (Tablet PC) supplied by Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL) Bangalore. Directorate of Census Operations has supported the SECC 2011 by providing Training and Enumeration Block wise (EB), Abridged House list (AHL) and the layout Map to the Enumerators. The house list data captured in National Population Register (NPR) have been preloaded in the hand held device. The Enumerator appointed by the State Government and the Data-Entry Operator trained by the BEL had conducted the actual survey in the field. District Collector is the Principal SECC-2011 Officer (PSO) for the entire district and the survey has been done under his/her overall supervision.


Ā Information that needs to be collected at the level of the individual and household includes Occupation, Education, Disability, Religion, SC/ST status, Name of Caste/Tribe, Employment, Income and source of income, Assets, Housing, Consumer durables / non-Durables and Land. The Socio-Economic and Caste Census will also capture the housing status, employment characteristics, educational status, disability among the household members, landholding pattern, etc. The Census would be based on a self declaration model of the respondents, (as per the questionnaire prescribed by the Government of India). The enumerators had recorded the declaration of the respondents and where they found that the response was prima facie incorrect, they had entered their remarks regarding the same and the Supervisor had mandatorily visited these houses and verified the veracity of the information. Detailed procedure for filing claims and objections and its disposal has to be followed. The information would be verified and approved by the Gram Sabha. Initially, the draft list will be published and at the end of 31st day in rural areas and 52nd day in urban areas, the final list will be published and uploaded in the website.


Ā The Government of India has allocated Rs. 89.61 crore for the conduct of SECC in Tamil Nadu. The preparatory works relating to SECC started in Tamil Nadu during December, 2011 after the conclusion of ordinary elections to the Local Bodies and the entire process of enumeration and supervisory verification was completed by September 2012. The additional procedure of verification and correction of database using the software, introduced by the Government of India in November 2012, was also completed. Now, the Government of India has issued certain technical clarification on draft publication which is being attended by Bharat Electronics Limited, Bangalore. The entire process is expected to be over by June 2013.

As part of its WTO commitments to strengthen the investment climate for both foreign and domestic businesses, Cambodia committed to enact 47 laws or regulations to address areas where existing law did not meet WTO requirements. Cambodia has been behind schedule in fulfilling its WTO commitments to pass necessary business legislation concerning the general business environment, trade in goods, trade in services, and the protection of intellectual property rights. However, the country has made progress recently, passing several significant laws in 2008, including a Law on Plant Breeder Rights and Law on Civil Aviation, and in 2009, the government promulgated a Law on Tourism, a Law on Insolvency, and a sub-decree establishing a national commercial arbitration body. The government has either completed drafts of most of the remaining required laws or is waiting for their approval by the legislature.

To address the perception of many Cambodian and foreign business representatives that the court system is unreliable and susceptible to external political and commercial influence, the Cambodian government is finalizing draft legislation to create a Commercial Court. In July 2009, the government passed a sub-decree creating a commercial arbitration body, the National Arbitration Center in the Ministry of Commerce. When the National Arbitration Center is operational, parties involved in a commercial dispute that have a written arbitration agreement will be able to settle commercial disputes by means of quasi-judicial methods without involvement of the Cambodian courts. Parties will be able to select arbitrators without direct government interference. The Law on Commercial Arbitration also allows the Cambodia Chamber of Commerce to establish its own arbitration center for disputes between members or between members and third parties. The law also mandates recognition of arbitral awards made outside of Cambodia. Arbitration awards can be appealed to the Appellate and Supreme Court of Cambodia based on limited grounds.

There are no limits on the rights of foreign and domestic entities to establish and own business enterprises or to compete with public enterprises. However, the Constitution provides that only Cambodian citizens or legal entities have the right to own land. A legal entity is considered to be Cambodian when at least 51 percent of its shares are owned by Cambodian citizen(s) or by Cambodian legal entities. A new law allowing foreign ownership of properties, such as apartments and condominiums is expected to be passed in 2010. The current draft stipulates that only properties located above the ground floor can be foreign-owned, and foreigners would not be able to own property within 30 kilometers of a national border.

Encrypted satellite signals, semiconductor layout designs, and trade secrets: The Ministry of Commerce is preparing a draft law for trade secrets while the Ministry of Industry, Mines, and Energy is drafting a law on integrated circuit protection. Cambodia has not yet made significant progress toward enacting required legislation on encrypted satellite signals, although it obtained a model law on encrypted satellite signals and semiconductor layout designs from WIPO in March 1999.

Infringement of IPR is pervasive, ranging from software, compact discs, and music, to photocopied books and the sale of counterfeit products, including cigarettes, alcohol, and pharmaceuticals. In 2008, the Business Software Alliance estimated a 95 percent software piracy rate in Cambodia which cost the industry USD 47 million in 2007. Although Cambodia is not a major center for the production and export of pirated CDs, videos, and other copyrighted materials, local businesses report Cambodia is becoming an increasingly popular source of pirated material due to weak enforcement. The Ministry of Commerce has plans to put in place measures to stop IPR-violating products at borders, as post-inspection mechanisms are unlikely to be effective. During the TIFA discussions in November 2007, Cambodia requested technical assistance for a draft sub-decree on Border Measures detailing procedures at the borders allowing IPR owners to file an application with customs to suspend clearance of suspected counterfeit goods.

The Cambodian government is still in the process of drafting laws and regulations that establish the framework for the market economy. In addition to existing laws and regulations, in 2009, the government adopted the Law on Tourism, the Insolvency Law, and a sub-decree establishing a national commercial arbitration body. A commercial contract law and other important business-related laws such as commercial court, e-commerce, telecommunications, and personal property leasing laws are in draft.

Cambodia has yet to pass the Law on Competition as part of its WTO accession obligations. Under the draft law, a National Committee on Competition will be established. However, the 1993 Constitution of Cambodia provides for the state to take necessary intervention measures to protect the competitive process of the marketplace as well as to protect consumer welfare.

Following the July 2008 UNESCO World Heritage Site listing of the Preah Vihear Temple, thousands of Thai and Cambodian soldiers amassed in a few isolated areas along the Thai-Cambodian border, particularly near the disputed Preah Vihear temple area. Since then, soldiers have clashed near the temple resulting in deaths on both sides, but the outbreaks of violence have been rare and lasted only a few hours. Both the Thai and Cambodian governments have committed to a peaceful resolution of the dispute.

However, in October, the National Assembly passed a new Penal Code, which the government has long stated was a prerequisite to the heavily anticipated anti-corruption law. In December, the Cambodian government finally approved the draft anti-corruption law which is expected to be approved by the National Assembly in 2010. Under the new law, all civil servants would be obliged to declare their financial assets to the government every two years. ff782bc1db

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